"That euphoric-gold-state"

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Have ya ever had one of those days when you’re finding so much gold,…..one nugget-after-another,….endlessly,…non-stop,… to where you “yearn- for†just one tidbit of trash to break the drudgery of digging yet-another-nugget ? ? ? To where you seek out those trashy-little-pockets amongst the crevices and cracks and “crank-up†your amplifier to the hilt so that even the faintest little rusted buckshot, tin flakes and lead slugs will blow your ears-off when the coil comes within 2-foot of them ? ? ?..................................â€ME EITHERâ€,….it’s usually the Other-way-around. But being the eternal-Optimist that I am, I know there’s still hope for that “euphoric-gold-state.†At any rate, I thought I’d share these latest finds with you,………I actually found these at (2) (new) different creaks in the Bradshaw’s,…….and at (3) separate spots within those creaks. I actually found the (5) nuggets on the left side last weekend,…..and found the (5) nuggets on the right side today. Combining the weight of the largest one today (5.9 grams) with the other (4) (on the right) the overall weight is ¼ oz…………..My “first-1/4-oz-day†thus far>>>>>â€YA-HOOOOOOOOOOâ€â€¦ B) …..Gary


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Have ya ever had one of those days when you’re finding so much gold,…..one nugget-after-another,….endlessly,…non-stop,… to where you “yearn- for†just one tidbit of trash to break the drudgery of digging yet-another-nugget ? ? ? To where you seek out those trashy-little-pockets amongst the crevices and cracks and “crank-up†your amplifier to the hilt so that even the faintest little rusted buckshot, tin flakes and lead slugs will blow your ears-off when the coil comes within 2-foot of them ? ? ?..................................â€ME EITHERâ€,….it’s usually the Other-way-around. But being the eternal-Optimist that I am, I know there’s still hope for that “euphoric-gold-state.†At any rate, I thought I’d share these latest finds with you,………I actually found these at (2) (new) different creaks in the Bradshaw’s,…….and at (3) separate spots within those creaks. I actually found the (5) nuggets on the left side last weekend,…..and found the (5) nuggets on the right side today. Combining the weight of the largest one today (5.9 grams) with the other (4) (on the right) the overall weight is ¼ oz…………..My “first-1/4-oz-day†thus far>>>>>â€YA-HOOOOOOOOOOâ€â€¦ B) …..Gary

Good going Gary. We all wish that we could have those kind of days. Doc and I had one kind like that only ours was placering. It seemed like every time we put material in the pan and started panning, little peakers would pop up. The went on all day for both of us. It got to the point that it was actually funny. The picture is of that day. The eagle looking nugget by the big one I picked out of the wall.



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Good going Gary. We all wish that we could have those kind of days. Doc and I had one kind like that only ours was placering. It seemed like every time we put material in the pan and started panning, little peakers would pop up. The went on all day for both of us. It got to the point that it was actually funny. The picture is of that day. The eagle looking nugget by the big one I picked out of the wall.



Hay Bob;

That's sure some pretty gold ya got there,..........especially against that bright blue background,........I'll bet you guys where "fly'n-Hi" all-that-day-long!!!!......Gary

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Your so right. We were somewhere above cloud 15. By late afternoon it honestly became funny to us. the more we panned the more we found. The pictures are from the first 6 buckets of material I ran. Thats a great way to start the day.

Bob B)

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Hello Gary,

What? I never heard the phone ring, must have missed your call? :rolleyes: Now you need to ease up on the nugget finds. :lol:

Great to see others finding a good amount of gold. There is a lot out there, you just have to spend the time hunting it down.

Are you using the Coiltek Joey to find the smaller ones?

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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Hello Gary,

What? I never heard the phone ring, must have missed your call? :rolleyes: Now you need to ease up on the nugget finds. :lol:

Great to see others finding a good amount of gold. There is a lot out there, you just have to spend the time hunting it down.

Are you using the Coiltek Joey to find the smaller ones?

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

Hay now Rob;

speaking of "Not hearing a phone ring",........... I don't recall hearing "mine" ring when you and your shadow, Leee-vo-rite where up in my neck-of-the-woods a couple of weekends ago and found those 14 Northern Arizona keepers :blink:,...And after that kind of a haul, you've pretty much depleted the resources up here. :o Now, lets talk about where "we" can go-to down in your neck-of-the-woods for the big stuff,.....the cooler weather is just around the corner, ya know ? ? ?

Yes, I was using my "Killer-Coil", the Coiltek Joey when I found all of these. And as far as I'm concerned, if there's anything worth finding within a foot deep of that little dude it will give me a signal, otherwise, "it-just-aint-there"! ! ! I have actually found a solid chunk of gold the size of this little star: * It amazed the hell out of me when I finally caught site of it, as it had been wedged in a crevice, which was buried about 6" below a sandy / rocky overberden. I had had the little dude in my scoop atleast twice and thrown it out because I just couldn't see it. When I got it into my scoop a third time I really scrutinized every pebble, and was more carefull as I worked down to it. And sure enough, right in the very fine black sand and dusty grit was the smallest-of-little-nuggets that I could have ever imagined. But that little Joey gave me a very noticable signal for even something that minute.

Talk to ya later,................Gary

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Hello Gary,

Maybe you were "Screening" phone calls. :rolleyes: I actually gave the Black Canyon area a run last Sunday for a few hours, but ended up with nothing. Just too darn hot to concentrate unless you’re digging gold nuggets. Leaverite, Ohio and I tried a spot that we thought might have some potential, but we all got the Skunkaroo. :(

I really like the high country prospecting, but don't care for the vegetation. We might have to swap some information, you know high country to low country gold locations. :D

Keep up the great hunting.

Rob Allison

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