Heading to S. California Prospect Tomorrow

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Hey Everyone,

It has been a while since I have posted, but I am going to do a little drywashing tomorrow and want to take a few pictures of the are I am digging. Hopefully I can get some advice on what type of gravel I should be concentrating my efforts.

I am working the Coolgardi area in Southern California and I am really interested in the type of gravel I am processing, but have yet to figure out where I am getting the best gold. Sometimes I am processing the really fine gravel that is on the surface and the next time I process the gravel that has some larger rocks that is about 3 feet under the surface gravel. What is strange is that every time I come home, I am getting the same amount of gold.

Anyway I wuill post some pictures of the gravel I am processing as well as some of the gold I am getting.

I look forward to your advice.

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Hello Goforgold,

Would love to see the pictures of the area and gravels. For the most part above the bedrock is the best gravels, but this doesn't apply for all locations. There are areas that have hardpack, clays and even false bedrock layers.

Hope you do well out there. Keep us updated.

Rob Allison

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I took some great pictures yesterday of the area I am digging. Hopefully all of you can give me some pointers on the area that I am digging. I had my "hunny do list" to take of this morning, so I haven't had a chance to pan out all my concentrates. I only have to work a half day tomorrow, so I will definitely have some picture of my prospect area in addition to the gold that I have panned out tomorrow.

P.S. Rob...as an avid prospector, I have 4 or 5 different Web sites that I visit week. I wanted to let you know, your web site is by far the best !!! KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK !

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Well. I finally panned everthing out :)

I have added a few pictures of the area I am digging. What you are seeing is about three feet of material from the ground level down to a hard pack. The top 2 1/2 feet is a mixture of very fine sand with a few quarter sized rocks mixed in. The bottom 1/2 foot is primarily a mix of pea sized rocks up to softball sized rocks. I still can't figure out where I am getting the best gold :mellow:

Anyway, after 5.5 hours of steady shoveling I came up with 35.6 grains.....by far my best day !!! Nothing big, but lots of fine stuff. I have prospected in this general area for about two years and am averaging about a gram every 3.5 hours.

I know it may be hard to see, but what can you tell me about the material I am processing?




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Hello GoforGold,

Congrats on the gold you found! :D Was looking forward to seeing what you found and the area. It sure looks like you're working the same type of gravels that 29Prospector Bob is working. I would seriously consider talking with him about pointers. From the looks of the gravel, you can see several layers, one very distinctive with larger cobbles. I would assume this layer is lying on top of the hardpack you're talking about, or maybe this layer is the hardpack.

If possible, I would try to dig down to bedrock and sampling the layer(s) right on and above bedrock. Due to millions of years worth of erosion and agitation the best gold sometimes works it way down the "true bedrock" or even false bedrock that could act like a hardpack or hardpan layer.

Heck, 36 grains is not shabby at all. I remember working a lot longer for a much smaller amount of gold! :(

P.S. Are you using a drywasher? If not, I would seriously consider one to speed up production.

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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To your question, I am using a Goldduster Drywasher. I have been using it now for about three years and really like the easy set-up.

PS. Thanks for the response.

Gofor gold,

29 Prospector here. Could you post or e-mail me a few more photo's. I may be able to give you a few pointers. E-Mail, 29prospector@verizon.net

I'll be glad to help in anyway.


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One thing I can tell you about the material you are processing is that if you continue to undercut the overburden in you center picture you are going to need to make sure your life insurance is up to date because someone is going to be collecting on it soon. Other than that I would say you are in it and it looks really good. You are in pay so your quality and quantity should go up once you find a natural riffle or a root or boulder that stopped the gold. When you remove some material make sure you detect behind yourself. Don't leave it for the high graders.


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Hey 29 Prospector,

I will take a few more pictures and forward them to you next week......THANKS !!


Thank you for the concern, but the pictures you see are somewhat deceiving. The center picture with the small "tunnel" is actually only the size of a 5 gallon bucket. Thanks for the tip that the area I'm digging looks good.

I'll post more pictures for everyone after my outing on the 15th.

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