Randsburg Bound on Sunday

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Hello Everyone,

I received a "hall pass" from my wife and I'm "allowed" to spend most of tomorrow out digging for the yellow stuff. All kidding aside, my wife is very understanding when it comes to my passion for prospecting. Anyway, I'm heading out to the Randsburg CA, area tomorrow for some drywashing.

Our prospecting club, The West End Prospectors out of Norco, CA, purchased a new claim. We tested the claim last spring and it showed some promising gold :)

I'll post a few pictures in the next few days :D

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  • Admin

Hello Goforgold,

I also share that same passion for gold prospecting/electronic prospecting. I love to just get away from the City and retreat into the hills in search for that ellusive yellow metal. I spent many years panning, sluicing, drywashing and dredging for gold before I found my first gold nugget with a detector.

Looking forward to hearing about your trip and seeing some pictures.

Talk with you soon,

Rob Allison

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Hey Rob and Crew,

Well, I finally had a chance to pan my concentrates from the Oct. 15th West End Prospector Corp. outing near Randsburg CA. This is an awesome new claim that we purchased and has a lot of potential.

Anyway, I moved dirt for almost 4 hours and came up with the attached. Some good fine stuff that weighed exactly 16.44 grains. Certainly not the jackpot, but some good gold and alot of fun. Interesting enough, the "largest" piece you see is a mixture of mostly gold and some white quartz.



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