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Well, here it is May 9th and I just got word the snow is off our airstrip at Moore Creek. That is early and so first weekers can expect greener trees and better thawed ground than last year.

We had a couple drop outs so there is now an ability once again to sign up for two weeks if a person wishes. First week of June 5th has one opening, week of June 13th has one opening, week of June 21st has three openings, and last week of June 29th has ten openings.

Plan to support the operation a bit with the D9 this summer. Big plan is to clear the old road down to the lower claims of brush and have a taxi service, making the lower ground much more accessible than last summer. An excavator will also be on site hopefully but I'm still working on that. My goal is going to be to make people regret they did not go this year!

Time is flying and I can't wait to see you guys the first week on June 5th. My crew will be heading up around the 1st to prepare camp. I plan on being there a couple days at least to hang out with the first weekers. Then out a bit but back a couple days before the second weekers leave and I'll be hanging around for the first few days of week 3. And back in just before the week 4 people leave. So my plan is to see you all up a t Moore Creek this summer. Bob and John will of course be there the entire time.

Do not miss this chance. Check out the details at

Final note - if you have signed up for this summer and have a balance due, send it in now.

Steve Herschbach

Moore Creek Mining LLC


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I already regret not being able to go back this year. I went for 3 weeks last year and had a great time. It sounds like it is going to be even better this year.

Also, you could not have two better camp hosts than Bob and John.

I am sure your guests will have a great time and find gold too.


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Hi Ken,

A couple weeks is great but three weeks gets a bit long! I generally am on a long burn when I am on a serious nugget hunt, but can only keep it up so long. No problem for a week, two weeks I'm done. I guess I could try and pace myself better but then I end up simply doing in three weeks what I could do in two!

This is almost sure to be the last season at Moore Creek for $1995 per week. I'm pretty sure it will be $2500 a week next year and so going this year will save a person some over waiting for next year. I hope that we will be able to use the D9 and excavator in a more direct support role for the visitors next year. We will start on a very limited basis this year. But if we start running heavy equipment all day every day to help people find gold our costs will go up dramatically and we will have charge more. The good news is we should be able to make it easier for the average Joe to find gold. Right now the experienced operators have a huge edge.

Steve Herschbach

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hey steve,

sounds like it is going to be an exciting year. the first to years were great, awesome times, awesome people, and lots of gold! sounds like the third year might be a charm. the nearly 1/2 pound of gold i found last year will be hard to top.

i am ready to go, cant wait until the 5th! after talking to you the other day, i was so amped up that i have already packed and checked my list twice! moore creek here we come!

see you in a few weeks, dave makkos

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Hey Dave,

Making a list and checking it twice gonna find out who's........................................

That's something I have to do here real soon, see you up there again.



How about you are you packed yet? I'll give you a call soon.


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Hi Keith, not packing just yet. Got almost all my stuff piled and making sure I have everything... Gonna take a drive out to the bush to chrono some new loads, maybe swing the Minelab amongst all these hot rocks just to be sure that I haven't forgotten how...3 weeks and counting! :) See you soon!

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Looks like it might be May 31st...... :lol: I gotta get outta here, weathers been bad, rainy and cold, NJ's working me to death, new brakes, shocks, on the big truck, I need some relief ;) HH...Geo

Vancouver Is. earlier this Month Seeker looking for the Crown Jewels

Thank ML for UW Excals


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Hi George,

I've got myself into some pretty tight timing so I'm crossing my fingers a little bit. We have the DC-6 charter lined up for the 31st. The trommel and conveyor are supposed to ship from Minnesota on Wednesday. With careful shipping it should be here the 29th so I'm cutting it close. I'm taking the excavator over to get weighed this week, but fear we may have to strip it down some more to make our weight limit.

But with some work and a little luck we should be on the ground at the mine sometime on the 31st. And greeting these guys on the 5th!

Steve Herschbach

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