LSD Washes Got Moved Around

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Yo All...Sometime in the past 3 days LSD got hit pretty good...I cruised a bunch of washes this morning and all of them got moved around pretty good...Judging by the stuff on the banks, several of the smaller washes were up to 18" deep...There was some trees and bushes uprooted too....Some boards that were in the main LSD wash got moved downstream about 1.5 miles.....A lot of the back roads and trails got some pretty good washouts in them.... I hunted a couple of little washes where some new bedrock or newly exposed compacted red gravel was showing...No nuggies, but I didn't really give'r hell, just poked around a little...If we get a couple more like the ones that did it things could get interesting...Cheers, Yer Unc in the Dubyah

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