Anyone have any updates on 24K claims?

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Hello and hope everyone is having a nice Labor Day weekend!

Does anyone have any information regarding the 24K claims and the pushes for the fall?

Will the other claims that were pushed at the end of spring be pushed also?

I'm triying to plan my fall trips.



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Hello Karl,

I tried to contact Elly last night, but couldn't get in touch with her. I'm going to try her again in a bit to see what I can find out. I keep hearing about Oct. 15th, or mid-Oct., but not certain as of yet. I'm hoping Elly will get on here and post some updated for the new season on the 24Kart Gold Hunters Club.

If anyone knows anything, please post it here.

Rob Allison

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I was able to get in touch with Elly the other day. Her mother is not doing well and she is behind in her correspondence as well as some other things. She said she hopes to get a newsletter out soon. The pushes are scheduled to begin again in October, I believe on Saturday the 13th.

I know how time consuming and emotional it can be in dealing with an elderly parent who is not well. If anyone wants to join or renew their membership I suggest they do it online at the 24K web site. It is set up to take new members as well as renewals. You can print your receipt to use as a membership card until the official one arrives.

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I just spoke with Elly, and renewed my membership online. Go to the Join Now button and up at the top of the next panel it will have a hotlink for renewing one's membership.

Currently there is not a spot to add your member number. If you use Paypal to pay you can include your Member number in the comments section. Otherwise Elly will cross match in her files.

Her mother is doing much better.

Elly told me that Super Push 2 will open on Saturday the 13th at 9 am on the Desert Special Claims across the street from Stanton and up the hill.

In the afternoon the original pushes will open up.

Expect the usally get together over food.

Also the new badges will be shinny and reflective. Elly will be able to track all of us by looking for the light coming off our badges!

Elly will be sending out information later this month!

She will also be sending out reminder notices for dues.

If you can go online and pay.

And send Elly an email that you have paid. That way it will cut down on her having to send out so many notices. I'm sure we would all rather see the money go into pushing sites as opposed to paying postage!

But that is just one person's opinion.....mine! :)

Looking forward to seeing everone again!

Have a safe and great weekend everyone!



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