New Vulture Gold

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Yo, All...I scooted out into some very remote area today that I've never prospected before...About 4 years ago, someone, I forget who, made a comment to me about a long lost placer area and since that time I've been researching to try and find the location of the " XXX" Placer...I've felt for the last year I was zeroing in on it, and then I started using Google Earth on the area together with the Mine Dat website...So, this morning I woke up with a s-load of work to do, but I just felt is was one of those unusual gold finding days, too...So I busted ass, got a bunch of work done, then loaded up the new (to me) Honda 4-wheeler I just got (for Dodacious) from Mike C. ... I love that scooter...

Anyhow, as some of you know, the Vulture Mountains south and westish of the Dubyahburg has been my haunt for a long time...But finding a new area has been a challenge...Today I drove in below Vulture Peak, offloaded my quad and headed out with my GPS and map that I created just for this prospect...Unfortunately, I didn't have a whole lot of time for the hunt today due to work and other obligations, but it was one of those "dammit, I woke up to find gold today" days...

After hauling ass up and over some washes and good looking red pediments, I ended up at the spot I'd picked from study...Damn if it didn't look perfect...There was very red dirt, pyrite, greenstone, shist bedrock, ironstone, blue copper stained rocks, quartz up the kazoo and lots of unusual mineralization in several colors of hungry looking quartz...'Specially that good ol' purpley quartz that seems to throw the gold often...Very old diggings and a bit of hand stacking here and there...

I hooked up my NF 14 E Mono on my SD2100 and headed up a small wash that really looked promising...I made my way up about a thousand feed of wash, covering both the wash and the benches up about 4' for so....NADA, ZIP...Other than one nail and one boot tack, absolutely no targets, save the occassional ironstone...

I got way up the hill to where the wash was pretty much done except two little foot wide fingers...The hillside dirt looked really good and red so, being ready to quit and head back, I started walking up the gentle slope...I got a good loud target which sounded like a .44 or .38...Damn if not an inch down was this beautiful 4.0 gram beauty with just a little purple quartz in her belly button....After going through my usual rituals of thanks, nugget sucking and photos, I started working the area, feeling a littlbe bit pressured because it was way past time for me to head back home to take care of business...

About six feet from the 4-grammer, I got another gentle target and it turned up to be the little half-gram brother, a tad of purple quartz and all...

To sum it up, I've got some large ground now to cover and dozens of washes that look just like this one...

So here's a bunch of shots I took, plus the studio shots tonight...Enjoy

Cheers, Yer Unc in the Dubyah

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