24 Karat Gold Hunters Update

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Hello All,

Many were curious how the pushes went on the 24 Karat Gold Hunters Club this weekend. Well, I will back peddle and let you know how everything went down.

Thursday evening was the first official meeting, potluck and workshops for the 2007 season. Elly opened the club meeting up then we went right into the potluck dinner, which was great eating! Later that evening the workshop began. I conducted the metal detecting workshop, Wayne "Nugget Brain" conducted the wet washing workshop & Elly conducted the gold panning workshop. All the workshops had a great turnout.

There were a lot of members that renewed for the 2007 season, but there were also a lot of new faces.

Friday at 4pm everyone that was interested in the "Free" gold nugget hunt. There were probably about 50 people that attended the gold nugget hunt. The only disadvantage was the nuggets were buried in a very trashy area and it was tough for beginners to find nuggets. About half the people that attended found gold nuggets. Later that evening, a handful of others were finding all the nuggets that were left behind. Some members found 4-5 gold nuggets apiece at the hunt.

Saturday at 9am, the first pushes started on the Desert Special claims. There was a good turnout and several nuggets were found. The biggest nugget was 12 Dwt's, while a few DWT pieces were also found.

Saturday at 1pm, the pushed opened on the Devil's Nest claims. There was a good 30-35 nuggets reported when I left Sunday afternoon. I heard a few more small ones were found that evening. Making a good educated guess, I would say about 40-45 nuggets were recovered from the claims. I tried to keep close counts on the gold nugget finds so no exaggerated figures got out there.

Overall, everyone had a great time on the claims. I believe the next pushes will be in a month, but don't have any exact dates.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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