Vulture Mountains Patch

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Yo, All...It's almost embarassing to be posting dinks when Shep, Gus and others are showing such great finds...But I guess it's the dinks that keep us looking for the monsters???!!!...

I've really gotten into exploring the Vulture Mountains and have been getting out nearly every day for a few hours since the gold fields there are within ten minutes or so from my house... Today, I got into a wash that was suprising because it is very heavily drywashed, fairly recent work, too....But I also found some old late 1800's, early 1900's workings too...A very exciting area to explore...

The gulch itself has no trash--zip, zero, not a single I did the natural thing and started working the old upper benches, where the gulch bottom used to be a jillion years ago, and, sure 'nuff, I got a nice mellow target right off on what used to be an inside turn, but what is now 4 -5 feet above the current gut...Little half gram beauty, still imprinted with the quartz and pyrite crystal formations... Sure is fun ... Cheers, Yer Unc in the Dubyah

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Hey Ron,

No need to be embarrassed about dinks! I'll take a dink over the skunk anyday. And where there's one, there's bound to more. So hammer that patch real good. Did you find this with the 2100v2?

Nice looking nuggie, by the way.

Ray in CA

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Hey Ron,

Nice gold.

I'm not proud, if your not happy with those dinks let me know and I'll swing by and clean them up for you. :o:rolleyes::lol:

You ever work the butte's area, looks like a interesting place. I'm going to swing by there soon and take a look. Can't say much more about the area right now.

Bob T.

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Pretty gold !!! I love that yeller culler i'd be real freaken happy with a dink about now ;)

I went and tested a spot today, this was an hour of panning, 2 hours drive time there and back today, I'm pretty happy with that since now I know theres a whole bunch more there


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