Happy Thanksgiving to All in our Forum Family

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Yo All...I just want to pass on our very best wishes from Yer Uncle Ron and Auntie Dodacious in the Dubyah for a wonderful Thanksgiving and Holiday Season...We hope you all are able to be with your loved ones in body or at least spirit for this time that makes love so important...We wish each and every one of you health and wellbeing...And, oh yeah, a nice nugglet or two for your poke during the coming year...

Dodacious and I have the great good fortune of being with our families this week up in the gold country of the Siskiyous...I'm doubly blessed to have gotten to spend my Dad's 89th Birthday with him today and see all three of my new grandbaby daughters...We took a drive to look over the tailing piles at Greenhorn and Hawkinsville...Not to mention some of the older areas around "Thompson's Dry Diggin's"....My very best to you all and a golden holiday to each and every one...

Cheers, Yer Unc in the Dubyah

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  • Admin

Hello Uncle Ron and All,

I would like to whis everyone here on my Nuggethunting Forums a Happy Thanksgiving. There are hundreds of great contibutors here on the forums and I'm blessed to have them here. Wishing you all the best health, wellness and even a few gold nuggets over this Holiday Season.

Warm Regards,

Rob Allison

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