
Guest Bunk

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Hey Bunk,

Nice gold indeed. You can call that your four nugget patch. Where there is four there should be a bit more.

However I have found one, two or even three in a small area like that and then worked the entire area again using a slow grid pattern and nothing else was found. Could still hold some nuggets but not at a depth that the detector would pick up on.

Was you at the hill Sat.? If so did anyone find anything???

Bob T.

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  • Admin

Hello Bunk,

Congrats on finding a mini-patch so far. I would circle around the area at least a hundred or so feet. If that don't produce anything, go direct up the hill or slope if present. You might be onto a "run," which normally run in a straight line down a hill or slope.

Hope you find more,

Rob Allison

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Yo Calvin...Take a regular strong rake out there and rake the area down in direction of the gravity from your already finds, above and below...You will be very surprised what raking down the rocks, then a second, third and fourth raking, will produce in areas of "fresh" coarse gold...That gold reminds me of some hot spots I got into around the Red Basin/Vulture area a few years back...A few nuggets, then nothing....Then repeated rakings that produced around 75 plus nuggets with awesome character, but only a couple ounces in weight....Good luck and keep us posted with your next finds...Cheers, Yer Unc in the Dubyah

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