New 4000 in the family

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Got my new GPX 4000 I ordered from Rob the other day, and even though I haven't found any gold with it yet, it sure is a step up from the 2100. I just love it. Thanks for the great service and a great bundle package Rob. I got to put three days on it before the weather turned bad. My buddy got the gold with a 3500 and that made me think there must be a problem with the 2 watt bulb running the 4000. I quess I must have been having too much fun monkeying with all the settings. Jp's DVD was a big help to dispel some of the mystery of the 4000. I can't wait to get out with it again. That first 4000 nugget won't take too long.


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  • Admin

Hello Riverman,

Thanks for purchasing your new Minelab GPX-4000 from Rob's Detector Sales. You're going to love the detector the more you use it. Without a doubt, the most powerful handheld metal detector for gold nuggets in my opinion.

Hope to see some of your gold finds here on the forum.

Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

Rob Allison

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:DHey Mark,

Glad you got your beeper :D It was nice to talking with you, the other day. Herb, stoped bye my house, too :D

You will git a nug soon, and you will be off running :blink:

Take care,


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Hey Riverman, congrats on the new detector! All the control you're finding with 4000, can be a bit overwhelming at first, BUT! It will all come together. Read all the past posts on it and experiment and you'll do fine!

Any questions? Rob's one of the best and will get you going sooner.


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It took only a few minutes to fall in love with this machine. Just using the factory presets, it is better than the 2100, and I have found gold with that. All I need to do is drive it over a nugget. Can't wait to get it out again. But with the weather we're getting right now, I may have to install a snow plow on the coil. This really is an easy machine to run.


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