Sierra Vista Arizona

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Hey guys I was just told last night that I am going to be on a mobile work crew and I will be working in Sierra Vista Arizona for the next 3 to 6 months. I have only been there one time and am not famillar with the mountains around there. If anyone can give me some pointers on were I can do some nugget hunting while im down there I would greatly appreciate it. I am not asking anyone for there spot just a general direction on were to start.

My thoughts are after I get off work around 3:30pm every day I can shoot out to the mountains Sierra Vista does not look too big and I am guessing it would only take 10-15 minutes to get out of town and into the mountains. For the weekends I can drive a little further. Thanks again for any help.

Happy Hunting


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Hey Ted thanks i'll take a look at that. I am not real good with maps and I really don't have a clue on what I will be close to in Sierra Vista other than my hotel is in the middle of town :( I have less than a week to try and figure this out so that link you sent will be a great start thank you.

Happy Hunting


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