First 08 Nugget

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Yo, All...After coming back from N. CA from my Dad's ending and all, I finally got out for a short time at LSD...Back up to one of my old spots where a few years back I beeped up an ugly little black and gold nugget...The recent rains scoured out some good spots...I'm still not as able to concentrate on beepster as I need to be, but I specked a turn and flat in the bedrock...Scraped it down a foot or so and got a strong signal...Popped up this little 3/4 gram nuggster with some strange dark, non-magnetic rock...Almost looks like obsidien...Just like the smaller bit I found in this spot a few years back...It's good to be back home...Taking a little time to readjust...Thanks to you guys who have sent condolences...Cheers, Yer Unc in the Dubyah

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  • Admin

Hello Uncle Ron,

Congrats on your first 2008 gold nugget! There will be many more this year for you.

I know how you feel about your Father. I lost a Grandfather that I was very close with a long time ago. He also enjoyed prospecting and started me off exploring the deserts when I was young. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him. I know your Father, along with my Grandfather are in a much better place.

Thanks for always being a great friends and contributor on my forums. Wishing you the best during these times.

Best regards,

Rob Allison

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