New GPX-4000 Gold Hunter

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Hello All,

Pat and his wife from Tucson came down Saturday morning for their field instruction on their new Minelab GPX-4000. Pat came down last month from Tucson and purchased his new GPX-4000 in person. Pat seems pretty excited to have one of the best gold detectors on the market and hopes to clean up some of those Tucson goldfields!

Saturday morning I met up with Pat and his wife. Before we started field instructions I gave them a brief overview of the geology and how the old-timers worked that particular area. I'm hoping Pat and his wife can apply some of the information to the places around Tucson.

Pat played around with the metal detector a few times before coming down, so he already had a pretty good feel of the unit. After about an hour of instructions Pat took off on his own finding and extracting targets. Most of the targets were fragments of cans, a few bullets, but eventually got over a small gold nugget. The small gold nugget was tucked inside the bank, lying in a clay layer right on top of bedrock.

Pat seemed pretty excited to find his first gold nugget with a metal detector. Pat pulled out his small toothbrush and started to clean the nugget on site. It's really great seeing someone find one of Mother Nature's Treasures.

Pat, thanks a million for your business! I know it's just a matter of time before you and your wife are off finding more gold nuggets.

Make sure you keep in touch. Now I have to examine that hand stacked wash I found at the end of the day. :o

P.S. Was going to meet with another customer from Morristown today that also purchased a GPX-4000, but the weather cancelled that until another time.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hey Rob,

I know that you are really busy with your job and your business and showing people how to use their new detectors as well as the honey-dooos.

You just don't have the time to check out all of those washs as well as the hand stacked one's as well as some of the new area's you have found, so if you would just E-mail me the coord's., to all of them I will be more than happy to give all of them a fair test and let you know which ones that you should invest more time on. :lol::lol::P:rolleyes:

Anything for a friend, you know. ;):D

Bob T.

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Hey Bob If your looking for some new places , I found this place that has a lot of stacked rocks but I never found any gold there myself but I've heard they found a lot gold in the past. Ill tell ya there are stacked rocks everywhere in there. Here is the cords on it if you want to take a look at it. N25 44.428

E32 36.066 I gave up on it because of its location for the most part. That and in Giza they are not real friendly with gold hunters. ;):D Hey Bob If you ever want get together some time and exchange some Arizona gold stories let me know. Take care AzNuggetBob

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