Interesting Story

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The gist of my previous post was that one of the gentleman at a local prospecting shop was very skeptical that my eureka gold would even detect a 1 grain nugget while the goldbug gives a clear signal.

After reading my post again it seems to me that it came across as if I was treated bad. I still want a gold Bug II for the features it has. (and to have a detector for my friends to use)

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I certainly hope the people who said that the Eureka couldn't find a 1-grain nug aren't passing themselves of as someone with good knowledge regarding metal detectors...

That level of ignorance is amazing!!! :blink: Almost incomprehensible in fact...

More to the point....

How did you get a WOT for the Eureka????

If I had a patch i'd share!!! ;)


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I certainly hope the people who said that the Eureka couldn't find a 1-grain nug aren't passing themselves of as someone with good knowledge regarding metal detectors...

That level of ignorance is amazing!!! :blink: Almost incomprehensible in fact...

More to the point....

How did you get a WOT for the Eureka????

If I had a patch i'd share!!! ;)


Of the two gentleman, the Owner was more down to earth about the two detectors functions, the other seems to sometimes be a Hot-head when it comes to other brands. I enjoyed the experience (would not have purchased a nugget from the shop if I had not.)

But basically, I removed the previous post because I did not want it to be taken the wrong way.

As far as the WOT, Coiltek makes a 15" WOT for the XT18000. It would seem that they Re-Branded it for the Eureka (Very similar machines I am told)

If and When (more importantly When :) ) I get into a patch, I will probably be to excited to keep it a secret. lol I'd end up telling everyone inadvertantly.


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Hi JW,

You should be able to hear a 1 grain nugget in the 60 khz mode with the stock coil. In fact you can probably hear a 1/2 grain nugget in that configuration.

BUT, the Gold Bug 2 will hear a 0.2 grain nugget. My wife and I have many that small found with the GB2.

The trick to the Eureka is not moving the coil very fast. The slower the better. Too fast and it hears the gold but you won't. With the Eureka, the slightest change in the threshold indicates you better slow down and take another listen.

Goldbug Ron

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Hey Nathan,

You shouldn't have a real problem detecting a one grain nugget at the surface in the 60kHz mode on the Minelab Eureka Gold. I have found them much smaller, but like Goldbug Ron stated you can't swing too fast or you will miss them.

I was a Fisher Dealer for a long time in the past. There is no doubt a Fisher Goldbug II operating at 71kHz will find much smaller gold. However, in the Southwestern US, where the iron mineralization is much greater you will also get a lot more noise trying to run a high freq metal detector.

Sometimes I would have to back down the Sensitivity so far I felt I was actually loosing more performance than gaining.

I believe I know the two guys you mentioned at the shop, but I will keep my mouth quiet! :mellow:

Rob Allison

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Oh, I know the GoldBug will hit itsy bitsy pieces of gold, I also know for a FACT that the Eureka will hit a 1 grain piece... I have tested these machines...

I'm not saying that the Fisher isn't super sensitive (hell, it will even hit the salt in your hand, a feature i'll pass on thank you), i'm just saying that the 'dealer' who assumed that the Eureka wouldn't hit a 1 grain nugget is suspect (at best) in my book...

But hey, i've seen quite a few people assume the DFX will go as deep as an Explorer, the expression on their face when you pull a Barber dime out of an "empty hole" is worth a million dollars...

If you haven't performed side by side tests, assumptions will, in most situations, be incorrect... Always makes for good stories though! :lol:

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