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Let me introduce myself first. My name is Adam and live in Henderson NV. Just started to get into prospecting and love it. I was always an out door guy and was born in the desert so I feel at home running around in the heat with the rattlers.

My buddy at work has been prospecting awhile and we were thinking of heading out to Lida NV. Has anyone here been out there before? Any recomendations?



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  • Admin

Hello Adam,

Welcome to the Nuggethunting forums! :D I don't personally know much about that area, but I'm sure someone here will chime in and help out. I know Nevada is an excellent State for nugget hunting, especially up around Northern Nevada. If you don't already own it, you might get a copy of "Placer Gold Deposits of Nevada." This is a very popular booklet that I sell for $9.00. It breaks down each county and gives you the major placer locations throughout Nevada along with a small map.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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it gets a little cool at night. pine trees and all. lots of old mines around. watch your step. go past Lida about 10 miles or so, if you pass a house on the south of the highway with a big sattelite dish, you passed the turnoff to Pigeon springs wash. lots of old ponds, mining equipment, really old drywashers, and camps. No one bothers anybody poking around, just don't go shooting the place up. actually there is Sylvania which is sort of SW off the Pigeon Spring wash, a favorite for placer miners. most of the gold that I picked up in the shale was sort of like flattened .22 bullets in size, maybe .780 or so in fineness. if you stay in the wash and head south, you'll eventually get into the Tule Wash area, hotter, drier, more effort to get around, but a lot of potential, seeing how this was an area that has more than a few old Spanish mines in the hills.

Likely you'll want to go back a few times. look for old dumps, as there are some good values in relics that are in good shape. if you push down into Fish Lake Valley, towards the Dyer turnoff, there is a hot well near the junction that affords a good soak for free. north of Lida is the Silverpeak area, and other areas of potential. just remember to take along enough gas and snot for the drive because there's no gas station or auto parts store for 100 miles radius. actually your best bet for such would be to make it to Bishop, CA, or Lone Pine. this is a remote area, and a pretty much pioneer state as it was in the past centuries. there is gas in Dyer, but that's still 40 miles off.

Gotcha! Sound like a lot of fun. thanks for the heads up on things. I think this weekend we will try to get up there. I will let ya know how it went.



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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...


I haven't been prospecting yet in Nevada, but Gerry McMullen of Gerry's Metal Detector's out of Boise, Id., holds a class in Rye Patch Nevada (nothern I think) and has been somewhat succesful. You might want to check his web site out and send him an email. He is strickly into detecting.


Let me introduce myself first. My name is Adam and live in Henderson NV. Just started to get into prospecting and love it. I was always an out door guy and was born in the desert so I feel at home running around in the heat with the rattlers.

My buddy at work has been prospecting awhile and we were thinking of heading out to Lida NV. Has anyone here been out there before? Any recomendations?



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If you are into crystal digging also go just across the CA border to Deep Creek CA, there is a ranch/school/Govt place on the south side of the road, go just about 3/4 of a mile west of it and look for a small round hill with a dirt road leading to it about 1/4 mile off the paved hiway, you can probably see the diggings., Clear Quartz crystals come out of here , some to 100 LBS but it it tough digging and passed diggers have covered some of the best areas with tallings. A good pocket might have nice clusters from 1" to 1" or more.

Then go back to NV to the hot springs great, soaking, lots of skinny dippers on the week ends and teen hang out at night, go futher out the road toward Silver Peak for good camping and prospecting, good winter time spot, I don't know the present claim situation.

Good Luck

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...
Let me introduce myself first. My name is Adam and live in Henderson NV. Just started to get into prospecting and love it. I was always an out door guy and was born in the desert so I feel at home running around in the heat with the rattlers.

My buddy at work has been prospecting awhile and we were thinking of heading out to Lida NV. Has anyone here been out there before? Any recomendations?



Alice "Happy Days" Diminy ran a restaurant in Lida, then began prospecting in Tule Canyon. At 69, she married the guy who had the claim next to hers. She never made much money, but enough to survive in the desert. She divorced at 90 and died 4 years later in a mental hospital. This is all from a book called A Mine of Her Own, by Zanjani. I think she was the model for "Claim Jumpin' Jenny", a "Death Valley Days" episode with "The Old Ranger". That video is often for sale at the Death Valley Visitors Center, but I saw it at Ryan with the San Jose State field studies class.

If you find any remnants that might be related to her in Lida or Tule Canyon, could you let me know? You can reach me at Thanks

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