Today's 24K Push

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Uncle Ron,

Last I heard only 5 were found...............the biggest being aprox. 1.5 grams (if I heard right).....Crown King Steve found that one and one other............

There was a big turnout for this last push...and they finely got the doser off of # 1 push (lots of spent welding rod and slag where it was located though)


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Hello Guys,

In my opinion the claims are some of the best in Arizona, but the pushes are getting much leaner compared to last season. When I left I believe there was about 8 nuggets found on the pushes. Most of them were small, several were around a Dwt in size.

Several nuggets were found off the pushes. Travis found a nice 1.55 Dwter. I found a nice 3.5 Dwter also.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Good on you guys. I thought that I had taken the last one out of that area. :rolleyes:

Looks like the 4500 and a bit of knowledge is doing its thing.

After I left and went to the other area I was beat, just didn't have as much time to spend today as I needed.

You guys have that other area mixed up with the area that I went to. But its real close, as the crow flies. :D


Bob T.

Tell Travis that I'll check that other area out. Maybe this week.

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Hello Bob,

Was wondering how you might have done over there. That area at one time was so rich that several close friends were sweeping their tracks in to make sure no one ever found the spot. Many 1+ ounce nuggets were found there. I've heard of one 7 ouncer, but seen several 1 & 2 ouncers with very nice character.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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