Steve, any Word on 3rd week results at Moore Creek?

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Hey Steve H.,

Just curious if the 3rd weekers are doing well at Moore Creek? Many are also interested to hear how Steve and Leigh are doing on the highbanker? Did they continue to work into the paylayer and find more chunky and nuggety gold? :blink:

P.S. The second week the two guys mentioned above found almost 1/2 ounce of nugget and chunky pieces of Moore Creek gold within just a few short hours of shoveling. Everyone was eager to hear if they continued .... If people only knew what was being found at Moore Creek vs. some of these other pay-to-mine beach operations around Nome would be shocked. A partner and I worked the beaches of Nome for many days and got less than what I could have gotten in about two shovel fulls at Moore Creek. No BS my friends!

Hope to hear more soon,

Rob Allison

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Talked to Dudley a while ago the 3rd weekers are doing very well, some new ground has been exposed and the highbankers have gotten some gold also. Steve has been running the small crawler and some nice nuggets have been electronically found.. Steve will post up when he has a chance......Geo

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