is it worth it?

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No need for you or Charlie to leave the forum, you both have lots of knowledge andhave posted some outstanding things, Its best that this forum be returned to what it was intended for, to pass on knowledge of our great hobby. Which is hunting for the elusive gold we all seek, wheather it be happness in the field, good times with friends, or gold dust and nuggets. If we can all agree to dissagree once in awhile, it makes us all better people in the end, because good or bad it is knowledge we have gained. Cheers to ever one, let things pass and enjoy life for what it is as short as it is. Grubstake

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Like I said, I didn't want it to come to this, and tried every angle to avoid the verbal confrontation. I certainly don't want anybody to go away mad, not even to just go away.

I want everyone to post their views, recognizing that not all share the same opinions. It's how we all learn something, and how to figure out safeguards, in the case of security compromise(s).

What one does with the information gathered or given is their own business. Labels and force as a means of idealogy isn't something we all need. We all get enough of that off the TV news, Iraq, Iran, and other religious extremists.

The deal with, or any other hobby forum, is to figure out a way to get the information we all want, and then to take it a step farther, and use it as a means to blow off the hardship of working the day job, paying the bills that never stop increasing, live under the strain of an uncertain future, and have a laugh or a beer, and means to get in touch with nature, while living the day life among adversity.

If you go back and look at my posts (at least the ones that I didn't edit or alter), here or on AZO, NV nugget hunters, and elsewhere, you will find my observations about the past, and potential sites to check out, whether nuggetshooting, or relic hunting. Likewise, I am not in the business of promoting trespass, or any illegal activity. at the same time, I am not a complete follower of the BLM Party Line, and my place there has at times, been in the gray area (Oh No Mr Bill, MORE hate mail), when it comes to prospecting certain closed areas in NV, CA, AZ, UT, CO, NM, OR. These areas were once open, but for government intervention, and dishonor of their previous decrees, or as a result of the mostly sultry modes of edicts directed at protecting adults with the mentality of a 5 year old kid, the government is assuming the role as our protector from all possible and plausible harm, instead of the facilitator and provider of opportunity.

Thus, every thing under the sun has some sort of restriction within the USA. It has a label telling us umpteen rules, cautions, and negative traits of anything we buy, be it batteries, light bulbs (especially the new Florescent type), how to dispose of it, chemical adversity and remediation, politically correct verse and reference, and no one is fully recognized as an autocratic, free-thinking human being any more; just as some sort of liability that flows down the gutter along with everyone else living or dead. even then, even dead, no one is as free as they were before WW2. every law, every ordinance, every legislative action or edict, every trade agreement, every political debate, every politician, every resolution, legal or illegal, takes another chip of our freedom and liberty as a sovereign nation, citizen and resident and throws it right out the window onto the tailing pile. You notice I did not say dump, as most mine dumps still contain retrievable value; tailings have been ground down to minute particles and mostly stripped of everything of value by passing it up to 4 times through the value recovery circuit.

Since Day One, those powers of Europe and beyond have been out to get the USA, because of its status among the rest of the nations of the world that took on everyone that wanted a chance to progress, learn, and build up a business or stake, all without legions patronizing some king, queen, dictator, tyrant, or whatever. Capitalism was both a future and a virus, as we now find ourselves fast in the grip of corporate Amerika that now dictates our every move through debt bondage. The principal reslut being that we are not on a monetary gold or silver standard, but as currency goes, are issued credit script in lieu of real money, script that is worth what the politicians says it is, and not anything else. Bankers have taken over in the form of the Federal Reserve System, and the IRS ( A branch of the FRS) has placed hamstrings on every Amerikan resident, consumer, visitor, citizen (small c), in the way of indoctrinating to think and act as a munion, instead of a co-participant of all the wealth and growth this country once meant. This all started up with the RR and natural resources Robber barons of the 19th Century, and has finally gotten the upper hand in bringing the nation as a whole into virtual enslavement through debt collection policies.

Even Nixon made an executive order that allows any foreign national the ability to buy up any federal, or federally funded project for $1, including national parks, dams and watersheds, forest, mining lands, lakes, rivers, sea ports, and even real estate financed through USA, FHA, etc., funding. as far as I know, that has not been rescinded. Nixon modelled the order on the example set by Brazil when applying for additional credit from the World Bank. Brazil had to put up much of the Amazon basin as collateral for the new loan, and later, after Brazil defaulted on that, a large portion was taken. The debt wasn't erased. For all of the ones out there that doesn't know. ur own income tax does nothing to pay the principal on the national debt, it only pays the interest. Congressional budget is not based so much on GNP, as it is on approval by the FRS to increase our credit limit. All paper money printed is crefited to the principal by the printing costs, and not the face value. Likewise, all coinage minted is credited against the national debt principal by face value.

US coinage and paper currency went from a solvent viable medium, to a credit script in the 1930's when the silver act ceased to be in effect, and later in 1972 (?) when the gold standard was removed as a means to resolve monetary relative value. Our money is now in the throes as is Mexico's, or any other Latin American country. As the credit limit for national debt goes up, the value of national currency goes down. Looking for a vastly more stable coinage on which to base overall prices and value, American Oil is now utilizing the more stable EURO as a standard for its price index on supply (wells) and output (refineries). Where does all of this put us? SH-T out of luck. 30 people in a boat, no life jackets, and there's a leak. The American people are pretty much like any Cuban boat refugee at this point- some will make it. some won't.

Which brings us back to the joy and promise of nugget hunting and relics/collectibles. Some guys do better, some guys...well, it stinks! The number one hedge against inflation is to have your little hoard of gold, silver, platinum, in whatever form it can be had. In every overthrow in south america and beyond, those that had a hoard of jewelry were able to use it to their advantage, while the rest got pretty dang skinny. In WW2 or after, remember the Italians with their wheelbarrows of paper currency, just to get a loaf of bread? We're probably not far off for getting a change in our currency like the New Mexican Peso, as opposed to the OLD Mexican Peso. their money was once coined in silver too, now, like us, it's zinc, brass, aluminum. even our copper penny is no longer high content copper. it only takes 1% copper to give the color, and the other 99% is zinc.

The second most valuable action is to take an active effort to study collectibles, gold theory and natural deposition, mining lore and historical facts (of which I have posted several potential leads on RexB's Nevada Nugget Hunters Historical Tidbits thread). I use the library, Amazon, Ebay, and several other places for information and indoctrination. Looking for some extra income? try estate sales, library discards, and keep a niche subject as part of your quest such as geology, collectibles, usgs reports, mining stuff. Try buying some natural gold off Ebay because quite frankly, some people don't have a clue about its relative worth, and only want to get rid of stuff they inherited or picked up at some estate sale. get into the Antiques Roadshow and other stuff. Try selling what you don't need

the internet. Other than typing rambles like this, or using the net at work for other duties, I don't spend a lot of time here. get on, say your piece, get off. The web is like talk radio, metaldetecting or walking through a pantano (swamp). you have to wade through a lot of hearsay to find valuable information. Verify the source. Go with the tried and true and stay away from promoters. Share your info with others that may be more on the ball and informed.

I'm just one guy. I am not mr know it all, but I know what I know and am willing to share it. It's not my fault someone else got taken out of ignorance or in-attention to details. As for talk, I think it's better to tell it like it is, than to tell it like it ain't; for when you try to pad or cushion the rhetoric, it always goes south, and the fix is a lot more tedious and ugly. Feeling get hurt, pride too; yours or mine. It's best to forgive other their mistakes (one less rock to carry around in the backpack), and hope that others would forgive me for my blunders or barbs. The whole irony is that I may know the real person as a friend, and not recognize them by their handle on line.

Believe me, I have sins just like everyone else, and skeletons in my closet. My success in life is tied to yours, and yours to mine, through a forum that allows sharing of experiences and knowledge, though not all of it specifically related to gold and prospecting.

Finally, as for the rock part in the last paragraph- my philosophy is like this: at the age of accountability, we are all given an empty backpack. every time we do something wrong, wrong another person, sin, blunder, mistake, we get a rock of variable size to put in the sack and carry it around. everyone has a different tolerance for weight, vs stamina, but eventually the load will get heavy and really burdensome. Through our Savior, we all have a means to unload some of the rocks, while in His wisdom, make us continue to carry others for added distances as both a means of punishment, and as a means of education to share in the burdens of others. Who am I to say that I am better than another; or that my opinions and tips are better than another, or that my suggestions are the rights ones to follow? I am not superior to anybody.

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