Questions about 24K Gold Hunters Club

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Hello All,

Even though I'm a Board Member of the 24K Gold Hunters Club, I have been out of the loop. A few GPX customers came back over today that are camped on the claims right now. Ya, they must be real die hard! :wacko: Both of them are swinging the latest and greatest right now. They mentioned they talked with Elly and she stated they might have new, virgin pushes in October.

Just curious if anyone else has heard about this? I sure hope it's true ....

Rob Allison

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Hello Jerry,

I agree with you, many were disappointed and stated they wouldn't rejoin. I'm sure with some new fresh pushes it will re-spark the 24K claims. Without a doubt, there's a lot of gold left on those claims, just deeper than detector range.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hello Mike and All,

Many have stated the yearly membership might be a bit high, but she does give out a small discount for combat vets. The first season of the pushes many newbies paid for their yearly membership in gold just off the pushes. I know the first season I took over a hundred (6+ ounces) off the pushes. The biggest was about 8 Dwt's, smallest just a couple of grains. Average sizes were around 1/2 to 1 Dwt in size. Total nugget count for the first season was around 800 nuggets. Several members besides myself got a 100+ gold nuggets. Many newbies found their first gold nugget and nuggets on the very first push.

Be interesting to see what happens this season on the claims. I'm hoping for some new pushes and some of the older ones closed up.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Rob, there aren't many people who know the 24K claims as well as you do. What pushes would you like to see closed or expanded, and what other areas would you like to see pushed?

As for membership price, I'd have to say it's a bargain. Rich Hill is one place you can score big nuggets and if you keep at it you will eventually find one. The cost of using a dozer hasn't gone down any. It takes a lot of diesel to move those boulders and reclamation isn't cheap either.

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Hello Slim,

I would have to agree, Rich Hill is one place a person can find a very nice nugget (on and off the pushes). As for knowledge, I've hunted and been a carekeeper of many claims around Rich Hill since the early 90's. Although, I've only hunted the hill for nearly 15 years, some of my personal friends, now long gone, spent most of their life chasing those alluvial gold nuggets from Rich Hill. Most of this information was give to me at one point in time hunting together.

About the pushes: Push 4 & 5 have a good amount of bedrock exposed and have for some time. Re-pushing bedrock will not produce anymore gold. The exposed bedrock in push 5 has been exposed since early last year. If you notice, no nuggets have came from that area in a long time, but mostly the upper right side where there is still alluvial gravels along the bank. The Granite and Schist bedrock exposed in these pushes is not "False" bedrock, it's the real deal. People keep telling Elly if she continues to push this false bedrock you will eventually get back to pay gravels. :wacko:

Push 3 has been very unproductive and only produced a few nuggets (that I never seen). I would recommend pushing this one closed also.

Push 2 still has some depth in the middle, so I can see where that one will continue to produce some more nuggets like it has done on each push.

Push 1 is so trashy many seem to stay clear of that push. I'm sure there are more nuggets in this push, but plan on digging hundreds of small fragments of iron rubbish.

What I would like to see if a push inbetween push 2 & 5, or maybe making it one huge push site. This would mean keeping 2 & 5 open and pushing all the material inbetween them down to below push 2. I understand each push site can only be a certain size, so this might not work like I stated. However, since push 2 & 5 have been very productive, I'm sure inbetween them would be a good spot for a new push site to open.

Anyone else have any thoughts or suggestions?

Rob Allison

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Guest Bunk

I have lots of thoughts, but most will go unheard to the powers that be, but this is not my bbq and I just try to go with the flow. One thing for sure, that area needs a large cat and a catskiner that knows how to use it. Rob is on the right track as far as areas that need to be closed and new ones opened up. I am also sure that if the material that was removed from the pushes was re- dozed back on to them, it would produce more nuggets,again this requiers a large dozer. I know Elley means well and would like to do a common opperation as part of the reclmation but the only time there is enough interest and man power is during prime nugget hunting season. I think the common opperation idea would be best in the off season and would help bolster interest in the club as far as metel detecting gos. I am WELL aware that temps in the off season are VERY extreme, but they are doable IF you are prepared!

One thing I have learned for sure about this gold hunting game is, This is not a country club sport for the weak at heart.

Just some of my thoughts.


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Guest Mike C...

Slim the prices are to high and I'm a little pissed off due to I use to belong to the 24 when Drisco ran it and I can't get any discounts for that :blink: --Wow maybe I should be a little of a higher profile person like run my own forum or make websites-something to draw more memberships-Cha ching or ?????There were rumers floating around when I was in the 24 before about the 24 previous owners before I was there that I won't get into-was'nt good-but it was just rumers-was there even $360.00 0ne member ship--worth of gold found last season :unsure: Rob when were you ever a 24 caretaker B) ??? I think the best canditate to know where to push and knows richhill better than anyone is Nugget Bob Gutowski-- :P -Mike C... :ph34r:

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Hey Mike,

There has been debate about the membership price at $350. This is not my club, so I don't make the rules or establish what membership fees will be. Mike, I paid for my membership many ... many times over this year. Travis & Earl have paid for their memberships several times over. I can name probably another dozen guys that have found 1/3 ounce or better this year, or the second season on the claims. The only way you're going to pay for your membership is to join and hunt like the others are doing. Standing on the outside voicing your opinion means nothing to the guys that have joined and are finding gold.

I'm not sure how to take your cracks at the guys that are trying to help and better themselves. Maybe you should create a website, forum or create some maps and see what kind of hard work and dedication is required. Better yet, why don't you spent your Winter season like I did the first year helping others with their metal detectors. I spent hundreds of hours the first season helping others when I could of been hunting myself. I probably could have found another 100 nuggets, but I spent time helping newbies get over their first nuggets on the claims. I'm sure if you're willing to spent this kind of time& effort with the club, Elly would work with you on the membership.

Mike I'm not sure about all the previous owners of the club and the details. I know Elly had a list of all prior active members and I believe gave them some type of discount. Maybe you were not an active, up to date member.

Never stated I was a carekeeper of the 24K claims, but if I wanted to be at any time I could be. ;) I believe I stated a "carekeeper of many claims" around Rich Hill if you re-read my post below.

Nugget Bob is a personal friend of mine Mike. I talk with him all the time. However, the information we share is confidential when it comes to gold talk! :ph34r:

P.S. I think you should join and give it a shot at best. With the information you already know about the claims you should be able to find at least 1/3 ounce of gold to cover your membership over an entire year.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Guest Mike C...

Hi Rob maybe I should join :blink: I belong to 3-4 other clubs and the cost all together per year is still less--I know my potentual for finding gold is better but I still manage to find it one way or the other--I know you do alot for the club with the newbies and I still think Bob should be consulted about where to do pushes-I know he use to help Drisco out--By the way I was an up to date active member <_< Any way its time to start thinking out side the bun-This is the last I'm voicing about it--good luck ;) -Mike C... :ph34r:

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Is Elly going to post a newsletter soon to explain any changes she is going to make to existing pushes (reclaimed or keep open) and any new pushes being opened up?

A newsletter is better than he said or she said such and such......................get it in print, don't speculate.

If she wants input of things members think would improve the club she could post a question on this forum....If she is uncomfertable with posted replieses to the questions she could request people PM her with the suggestions...for her and the board to decide and review.................


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Hello Steve,

I'm really not sure what might be the plans for the club and newsletter this season. Elly is back east to my understanding. Her Mother passed some time ago (bless her Heart) and she went back to take care of some things.

I was out on the claims today with a new GPX customer. Dr. Roy & Trish purchased a GPX and I conducted their field instructions on the claims today. We ended up finding a small 1/2 Dwt from push 2, not far from the road. We also picked up about 20 other small trash targets, so there are still targets to be found in the pushes. A good chance gold nuggets are still hidden.

Wish I knew more about what might happen this season on the 24K claims. If I hear anything I will keep you all updated.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hey guys how you doin. well reading over this string I decided to throw in my two cents on the gold deposits on the 24k claims, over scraping bedrock, back pushing, etc. I have been up in that area for many years and worked with Ely when she owned the club the first time around and was a caretaker for Driscoll after that when he had it and worked with Malone and flipped most of the lower state land to the east of 24k and elsewhere in that area, and my point being that I have learned a lot working with these people about the geology and the gold deposits in that area. anyway I do think that there is still some pockets of gold up there yet to be discovered. I've seen some major discoveries over the years on those claims, many pounds of gold found in a very small areas. I'll try to explain my take on the area not excluding the more recent veins and placer deposits in more basic terms so some that are new to nugget hunting don't get lost in all the geological terms.. :wacko: many of the main producing veins in that area are not unlike gold producing veins in other areas of the U.S., they have a north east trend. there are several of these large gold producing veins running through the 24k claims with countless stringer veins (thin smaller quartz veins) which produce much of the course smaller gold (new gold). The new gold has not been subjected to the catastrophic flooding of old times and is more randomly scattered. But most of the big smooth solid nuggets (old gold) are coming from the old large veins and some have traveled from distant veins in one of the old channels (ancient flood channels) that cross that area. One of the main channels crosses Potato patch basically on top the mountain and a long time ago over the 24k claims. it runs for miles and came from a time before the mountains shape as it is today ... I've mapped many of the main producing veins and old channels that were formed during these catastrophic flooding events and some would create eddies, some large some small, when these floods encountered solid bedrock obstructions, the water,gravel, and gold would spin and concentrate the gold into what some call a honey hole or glory holes, whirlpools. There are still several old runs and Glory holes yet to be discovered in that area. but on the pushes I think Rob is correct, when you can see the original strata (undisturbed grain in the bedrock even though its soft and decomposed its had a lot of time to rot) your done in that particular spot. the schist in that area has a very well defined grain to it. Its almost like grain in rotten wood, Nuggets will not sink into that very far by gravity without re-concentration (new flooding) usually less than a foot and the gold is usually accompanied by some sort of cobbles or gravels in those channels. when you scrape down to undisturbed decomposed bedrock,its time to move over , up or down. :spank: I don't think there is a lot of gold left in the old push piles that can be reclaimed with metal detectors anyway. but processing it through a wash plant may be worth the effort in some areas. Take care all :ph34r: AzNuggetBob

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