New Octave Gold Mine Book Now Available

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Hello All,

Just wanted to let you all know Dr. Erik Melchiorre wrote another great book on the Rich Hill area. This book is about the Octave Gold Mine and History. The book is titled "Octave Gold Mine, The Gold Queen of Rich Hill, Arizona."

This book covers the entire history of the mine, 140 pages of great information. It also contains fold out maps, dozens of historical photos, maps of the original townsite, names of residents, interviews, historical documents and more.

This book is $20 + Shipping. You can contact Dr. Erik Melchiorre and order the book directly by phone at (802) 426-2017. If you would like to visit the website and read more about the contents or use the Paypal shipping method, click here - Octave Gold Mine Book, Official Website

I will also have copies for sale if anyone wants to order them directly from me.

I just breezed through the pages and I'm excited to start reading about the history and production of the Octave Gold Mine. For everone that might not know, the Octave was one, if not the most productive gold mine around Rich Hill, Arizona. I've personally found some beautiful gold nuggets and specimens from the area.

Thanks Dr. Erik for the note written in my book!

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hello Claim Jumper,

This book has a bunch of pictures, so I went through the book quickly looking for an old bus. I didn't see any old buses in the picture off-hand. I'm sure over the years, the Octave had hundreds of workers due to the size of the mine.

One interesting picture shows the Octave mine in 1900. Then again in mid-1900's, then again in 2006. Wow .... pretty interesting to see what was there and what is there now (hardly nothing).

I highly recommend this book if you enjoy mining history or plan to visit the Rich Hill area sometime in the future.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hey Claim Jumper,

Talked with Dr. Erik and he wanted me to ask you about that bus and if you knew what color it was? He said there was some buses there during the 70's. This might be the time frame you were talking about.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Admin

Hey Guys,

Just received another batch of the new "Octave Gold Mine" book. This book sells for $20 + $7 US Priority Mail Shipping.

Give me a call or shoot me over an email at - if you're interested in ordering a copy.

I accept Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, Money Orders, Cashier's Checks and Cash.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Rob. I met 2 Native American brothers from southern Az. who worked in the Octave mine at one time . They had a Minelab GP extreme and were hoping to find a souveneer nugget. They told me that the whole crew would hunt rabbits after work for a tasty meal. That explains some of the billions of bullets in the Rich hill area.---Bob

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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

Claim Jumper - I will ask Dr. Erik about the color of the bus. He mentioned he might know the people.

Montana - There are a lot of bullets on Weaver Mountain. :angry: Congrats on all your recent gold nugget finds & HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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I can see the "bullets" being just about everywhere. But finding the shell casing in the most hard to reach spots is another question. Makes you wonder what the hay a guy was half way up a rock ledge in the middle of a cactus patch shooting a gun!!!

I have also found lead sinkers for fishing in the middle of the desert in a small wash. The only thing I can think of is that a bird ate the fish with the sinker and then flew inland and pooped out the sinker.

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