Gpx and hot rock.s ?

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Hey Hobby,

I did a pretty good demonstration with the GPX-4500 this weekend on the 24K claims. A guy was struggling with hotrocks with his VLF and wanted to know the same thing you asked about hotrocks. I was able to show him how I could cancel out the hotrock with several different timing settings and still hear a nugget that was about 2 grains in size. I was using the GPX-4500 with the new Coiltek 14-inch Goldstalker Elliptical Mono Searchcoil.

To answer your question in general, Yes the Minelab can cancel out most hotrocks.

Hope I was able to help,

Rob Allison

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Hey Hobby,

I did a pretty good demonstration with the GPX-4500 this weekend on the 24K claims. A guy was struggling with hotrocks with his VLF and wanted to know the same thing you asked about hotrocks. I was able to show him how I could cancel out the hotrock with several different timing settings and still hear a nugget that was about 2 grains in size. I was using the GPX-4500 with the new Coiltek 14-inch Goldstalker Elliptical Mono Searchcoil.

To answer your question in general, Yes the Minelab can cancel out most hotrocks.

Hope I was able to help,

Rob Allison

Thank's Rob fore the info on the GPX's that's good to hear .I have a VLF machine now and am looking at the P I's .Got any thought's about the new White's TDI? Thank's again Hobby :)

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  • Admin

Hello Hobby,

Funny you mentioned the White's TDI. This fellow actually had one of those and was pretty discouraged with it. He stated he couldn't find very small gold nuggets. After we played around with it for a big, without a doubt it wouldn't find very small gold like the Minelab's. On 1/2 Dwt and larger gold nuggets the TDI worked well. We also done a few depth tests and the GPX-4500 really got a lot more depth.

Hope this helps,

Rob Allison

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Hello Hobby,

Funny you mentioned the White's TDI. This fellow actually had one of those and was pretty discouraged with it. He stated he couldn't find very small gold nuggets. After we played around with it for a big, without a doubt it wouldn't find very small gold like the Minelab's. On 1/2 Dwt and larger gold nuggets the TDI worked well. We also done a few depth tests and the GPX-4500 really got a lot more depth.

Hope this helps,

Rob Allison

That sound's real good fore that 4500........I think a PI is the only way to go when hunting nugget's.That VLF detector drive's me nut's on hot rock's some time's :wacko: ....Thank's fore your input Rob .HH Hobby

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Hello Hobby,

Keep in mind all metal detectors can find gold if it's larger enough and maybe even right at the surface. However, they all have some pro/cons from other other detectors when you compare them.

Typically, the VLF metal detectors were always known for their great sensitivity to very small gold. This for the most part is still true, but the latest Minelab PI's are finding gold almost as small, but get much more depth and much more immune to mineralization.

If you really wanted to make sure you were finding as much gold as possible, you would probably need 2-3 metal detectors to cover this. The character of gold is different in many locations, so some of this gold could be harder for a VLF or PI to find, so using several detectors to search the same are might get you a few more gold nuggets.

For the most part, I feel the GPX-4500 is getting the majority of the gold I pass over. The trick is getting your coil over the nugget(s).

You could have the most expensive or least expensive metal detector and still never get your coil over a gold nugget.

Hope this helps,

Rob Allison

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