24K Questions---

Guest Mike C...

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Guest Mike C...

Ok all of you that are in the know heres a couple of questions-I was'nt going to post this here Buttttttt since I have'nt got a reply back from my previous email I sent like 3-4 days ago- :wacko: -when is the next push and how do I contact who ever is responsible for issueing the badges--I got the map packet but no badge--whats up <_< ???-Thanks-Mike C... :ph34r:

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Ok all of you that are in the know heres a couple of questions-I was'nt going to post this here Buttttttt since I have'nt got a reply back from my previous email I sent like 3-4 days ago- :wacko: -when is the next push and how do I contact who ever is responsible for issueing the badges--I got the map packet but no badge--whats up <_< ???-Thanks-Mike C... :ph34r:

Hey Mike,

Next push to hunt is Nov. 22nd. I haven't got my badge yet either. Shouldn't be a problem participating on that day though. I talked to Elly with the same concern. She told me to come on, and bring your empty gut, Look forward to seeing you again.


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Guest Mike C...

Hi Mark thanks for your reply--but you would think that I would have all my stuff by now including my badge and I have'nt received any email responce from the email I sent or a monthly news letter stating when the next push would be--another concern is that the receipt that you get when you join to have access to the claims until you get your BADGE is only good for 30 days and its been exactly 30 days today-- :blink: -Mike C... :ph34r:

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  • Admin

Hey Mike,

Elly had a lot going on right now and just buried her Mother recently. :( She has several club members trying to get the newsletter and badges out ASAP. I wouldn't worry about the badge right now, just get out there and hunt. We all know you're a member now! :P

Hope this helps,

Rob Allison

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