Ambitious Prospecting Trip (part 1)

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I just got back home safe and relatively sound. The hike was 2.5 hrs give or take, and we didn't reach our original destination. Thankfully, despite Google Earth and a topo map, we found that we just couldn't get there from here. Steep canyons took all the starch out of our best intentions and we pulled up short. Best decision we could have made under the circumstances.

45 minutes into the hike I had to pull up and make adjustments to my pack. It was riding too high and giving me a hell of strain on my pecks and shoulders. Ken scouted for a trail, but we forgot to break out the two way radios. He went high and I went low. I followed a perfectly good trail which turned out to be a mountain sheep trail to a local waterhole in the mountains. Not exactly where I needed to be, but in the general direction. After the waterhole, I forged my way up a steep canyon and caught up with Ken who was taking it easy on the proper trail following the mountain contours. Such is life for us pioneers. Later, mainly because I was exhausted, we found a wash that had a relatively flat area to pitch the tent and called it a day for hiking with all that gear and water.

Stay tuned tomorrow for day 1 and day 2 or the ambitious prospecting trip and the wash of big gold.

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