Afghanistan gold rush?

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Well; I will be there later on this year when all is ready contributing to military ops, but I wont be taking my GPX out and about in that country!

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Benz. It doesn't seem surprising any more to find out that in some countries mineral wealth has been ignored . They' ve been so preoccupied with holy wars , tribal squabbles, and just trying to scrounge a meager living that they simply missed the fact that there is wealth all around them. Just imagine what it would be like to try to detect in some of those areas where war has been a way of life for hundreds of years. Might be a few bullets lying around, not to mention bomb schrapnel and land mines . I don't think there will be another detector rush in Afghanistan like we saw in Sudan, but there will surely be rushes in some more peaceful countries as more people in backwards areas stumble onto these gold forums and realize the potential right in their own backyards . ----Bob

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Ya Id have to agree

There is a lot of virgin ground in some of the war torn countries, especially for those that would argue all day to dig them all. but the proof will be in your poke full of bomb frags. but if you have a all metal handled pick I guess it could stand up to all the false target digs right? ohmy.gifwink.giftongue.gifbiggrin.gif AzNuggetBob

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Well; I will be there later on this year when all is ready contributing to military ops, but I wont be taking my GPX out and about in that country!

I heard on CNN News with their mouths! I urge you to check honestly more details about richer minerals (Gold, Iron, Copper and others) in Southern of Afghanistan before going there. It might be worthy over $1 Trillions. B) If you seriously go there and be careful!! :girl: The huge and actives terrorists are still running around!

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