Oregon Possibly banning Gold Dredging Also

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You know this really sucks. The liberal state i live in starts this crap and the rest of the country will end up following i bet. I hope not, but i have a buddy high up in dfg and he said dude, you aint goin to dredge anymore, there is too many bias people against dredging doing the EIR for ca. When they banned the dredging here, they went up to oregon, and there was no limit per mile like a lot of our rivers are, so they had a lot of pressure. I hope for the best, but i know we are so much the minority here that it's not funny.

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Hey minerjoe. If you want to dredge in California go for it. There have been dredgers up the Kern and the Merced all summer, probably other places too. The State of gimme more of your stuff (California) has not written a single ticket for dredging since they passed their prop. They know it can't survive a real court and are hoping to scare the whiners away- it seems to be working for them for the most part. Real miners mine, the rest argue about "laws".

If you do read the Mining Laws you won't find anything in there that says ANY State can pass a law limiting your mining right. If thats not enough to convince you read the part of the California Constitution that says the waters of the State are the peoples. In California, courts have held that appropriation water rights may be limited under the public trust doctrine, a common law principle recognized by some courts, which holds that the public has access rights upon navigable waters and that navigable waters are held in trust for the use of the people.

As for Oregon there is no law being considered and the comments by one politician flapping his lips in an election year does not amount to a ban. Yes you can dredge in Oregon- and California for that matter.



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Hey clay, if i had a set.... i would man! Ha ha. Tell you what, where i dredge, it is one hell of a rough road, 1500 feet of drop in four low. It's been years since we've seen anyone down there. I just hate lookin over my shoulder! Tell you what, you come up here and we'll go. I did do some boomin the other day, but its just no fun. I do hope it all blows over, but as you said in the land of we know what you need, i'm scared our best days may be behind us, as far as dredging goes.

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Hey minerjoe, I'm not calling you or anyone else a p***y. :o Not my style, every man has to discover his level of comfort and live with it. I'm sure if you are working an area like that you are long past proving your manhood.

You've got to admit that there has been more whining than action on the part of most Kalifornia prospectors. To take a bad situation and try to apply it to Oregon is just adding stress without cause. Hopefully the people in Oregon have more sense than to kill a growing industry in a declining economy, so far there is no effort to do so. One mention in a liberal newspaper article does not a ban make.

I apologize if I offended you. I did not intend to.



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Ha ha no man, if i was, so what. My brother is a game warden in this area, and i have to watch my "P"s and "Q"'s Silly i know. I guess also when you are part of a community like mine, we all know eachother very well, and i wouldn't want the extra stress of causing hype down there. I still do quite well with a sluice and highbanking. We'll have an answer in april, so i guess only until then will i be nice. But no man we're cool. I like having guys like you on my side when it comes to puttin it back in their face. Take care bud.

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