Virginia Nuggets with the 18" Coiltek

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I rehunted the same four sites that produced over 12ozt with the 14" X 9" momo Coiltek, 11" DD Commander, and 9" X 5" DD Coiltek however this time I used the 18" round mono Coiltek and found an additional 1.105ozt. The coil is great, thanks Rob!


Nice Virginia gold, I have been back there to the Culpepper area hunting civil war relics, some people that I stay with there is an old gold mine on the neighbors property according to what I have read, an old shaft of some sort. Have been to the gold mine museum on the road to Fredricksburg 2 times but it was closed. If I ever get back there I hope to seek permission for access to the old mine on the neighbors property.

Allen in MT


Wow! great job nice to see some more of those nuggs


Dave, I use the GPX 4500. I rehunted the same area with the different coils. I used the DD coils in the trashy areas and the monos in the other parts. I hunted the best areas again with the 18" mono and dug everything.


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