Thanks, Border Boy!

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Border Boy invited me along to his home turf (which was nice cuz the place I Was heading to is on fire :o )

He gave me tips on the local area, help in differentiating targets and pinpointing, and other valuable info.

Plus- it was fun just hanging out with a cool prospector.

Chata says thanks for the jerky and sorry for being an oinker.

Thanks, BB! :)

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Border Boy invited me along to his home turf (which was nice cuz the place I Was heading to is on fire :o )

He gave me tips on the local area, help in differentiating targets and pinpointing, and other valuable info.

Plus- it was fun just hanging out with a cool prospector.

Thanks, BB! :)

Man Kelly,,you back over there again,,,lolol,,watch those rattlers!!

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Yeah, I found this: Treasures

Then BB turned me on to an area with clay pigeons all over - mighta been an old mine dump.

The 5000 was screaming more than it was off :lol:

Gawd this is fun.....

Paul, you gettin settled in up there?

When it warms up a bit I'll probably head thru NV on the way to MT.

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Yeah man, call me when you know dates,,

BB has helped me a lot down there too

I have found that this state is huge! And holds untelling amounts of treasures, gems silver gold etc

After I get a handle of this new job I will be doing all kinds of hunts!

I have 7oo people under my care now and I in the last 2 days in the field that some care is substandard and had to crack the whip a little ...I understand that some people are difficult to help, but.....duh...that why were supposed to be helping them, right? I have had two people, in two days that I personally took to the ER or doctors office. I think God has me in a good spot that I can actually make a difference in some peoples lives.

I sure hope to get it organized asap so I can get to hunting!

I have to hook up with some locals like Reno Chris and others to find some good info.

You have a good one Kelly!...if you see my buddies down there telll them I said Hi....

Good hunting!


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Kelly ,you are most welcome any time! Remember that when your finding trash on a known ancient channel theres always gold there too (almost nobody detects down there) i am always encouraged to find trash covered ,red, ironstone infested, and historicaly rich placer ground to work. Pick a real juicy looking area and grid 500 ft off clean all the trash out then do it again , bet you will have some nuggets by the end ;) keep it up and hopefully that fire will open up some new hillsides for next week. Hey Paul i cant wait to come and see you up there , i need a change in altitude ( trying to figure out how to swing it) so hopefully ill be up there next month

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Kelly ,you are most welcome any time! Remember that when your finding trash on a known ancient channel theres always gold there too (almost nobody detects down there) i am always encouraged to find trash covered ,red, ironstone infested, and historicaly rich placer ground to work. Pick a real juicy looking area and grid 500 ft off clean all the trash out then do it again , bet you will have some nuggets by the end ;) keep it up and hopefully that fire will open up some new hillsides for next week. Hey Paul i cant wait to come and see you up there , i need a change in altitude ( trying to figure out how to swing it) so hopefully ill be up there next month

Kelly tell Chata shes bringing the jerky next time :lol:

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"Kelly tell Chata shes bringing the jerky next time :lol: "


Was that Regular or Teriyaki?

Just raggin ya on that 2nd area. There were a bunch of broken clay pigeons and the bank was peppered with bullets.

I went up above and there was massive metal sheets, barbed wire etc almost like the area had been sabotaged :o but sure appreciate the invite out.

Today we got the ATV legal and then went North of Benson where a friendly local told us about.

Dug a few bullets and it looks like a fun place to beep- lotta level ground but also some hills for those inclined.

See ya next time! :)

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Just raggin ya on that 2nd area. There were a bunch of broken clay pigeons and the bank was peppered with bullets.

I went up above and there was massive metal sheets, barbed wire etc almost like the area had been sabotaged :o but sure appreciate the invite out.

I think if you walked another 1/4 mile or so you would have been on the ground i was talking about :spank::lol: , but any way you going to be in benson or the area around this week ill be hittin GV with the gold prices up (trying to locate some monsters) hiking around with my new favorite coil, the goldstalker 24x14 :D , well hope to see you out there

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hey BorderBoy,....

how do you like the new goldstalker 24x14,....i got the 12x18 and just love it...its the only coil i use now...very sensitive on small & large nuggs, but thinkin of tryin the 14x24 and hittin some of my old it worth it??? ill be headin to california in a few weeks and thinkin of pickin 1 up from Doc's.

thankz, fo0l

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hey BorderBoy,....

how do you like the new goldstalker 24x14,....i got the 12x18 and just love it...its the only coil i use now...very sensitive on small & large nuggs, but thinkin of tryin the 14x24 and hittin some of my old it worth it??? ill be headin to california in a few weeks and thinkin of pickin 1 up from Doc's.

thankz, fo0l

Hey , i think you will love that coil(my new favorite coil) it will outpunch just about everything ive got, and i found a 5 grain pitted piece at 4 inches so you dont loose much sensetivity compared to a coil half its size. Simply amazed with this new coil from Coiltek , did i mention the shere amount of ground covered going low and slow with it (acres) :D very lite too hope this helps

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