Gold Conversion

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Okay, so I know this is going to sound very weird, but I would like to be able to take my drywashing gold and melt it down to pour it into nugget forms. Is there a way to do this economically and safely? Since I do not plan on selling my gold, unless it is a multi-ounce nugget, I would prefer to have it all in nugget form instead of flake/flour gold.

LOL....and just to put everyone's mind at ease, I will not be a fibber and tell people I found a nugget I didn't actually find. That would be bad and I would deserve a :spank:

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Crush rock salt it various sizes to insure some unique textures, put a bed of it on concrete or some other surface that you will not melt. Save some of it.

Heat your gold in a long handled crucible using borax as flux, you can actually melt gold with a plain old propane torch. Takes a little while to get it to melt but it will. Pour the molten gold on the bed of rock salt and sprinkle rock salt on top of the molten gold, allow to cool, and then soak it in water so the salt crystals dissolve.


Okay, so I know this is going to sound very weird, but I would like to be able to take my drywashing gold and melt it down to pour it into nugget forms. Is there a way to do this economically and safely? Since I do not plan on selling my gold, unless it is a multi-ounce nugget, I would prefer to have it all in nugget form instead of flake/flour gold.

LOL....and just to put everyone's mind at ease, I will not be a fibber and tell people I found a nugget I didn't actually find. That would be bad and I would deserve a :spank:

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