Mineralization discriminating false targets

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Rob mentioned finding a large nugget that only gave a whisper signal similar to black sand or mineralization. Using the mono coil I am constantly receiving signals from mineralization yet from time to time the same signal yields a nugget. It appears that is the signal doesn't get louder as I dig deeper it obviously a false signal however I find that I dig numerous false signal fearful of missing a nice nugget.Have any of you found a easy way to discriminate the mineralization signal with a Coiltek mono coil?

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Once you find one of those signals, try some different timings. False signals, most of the time is part of the game in some soil(s). Seems to me you have your detector running just fine, just continue to checkout those false signals or any confussed signal, they are worth it!


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When I was down in Oz last year, Mark Hyde demonstrated a method with the 4500 that he uses to check minerization vrs actual target... after getting a faint or weak signal re-groundbalance to the side of the target, switch to tracking and go over the area at the slowest possible speed...he says the machine will not track out an actual target and that this method is used by a friend of his that targets the bigger, deep targets...and finds them too.


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Thanks FredM, I'll give it a try. I always re-ground balance on signals, some go away and some get louder. The ones that go away are hot soil however the ones that get louder are not necessarily good signals. I have to deal with the nasty red soil from time to time and that stuff likes to sound off.

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Australia has some tough ground, different in the Triangle than up in the NT or WA...I have used the method here and a little bit in Oz but being slow to believe have dug many of those signals anyway...just to be sure and have yet to find the machine telling falsehoods...


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Im still using the stock DD that came with the 5000. Using it in Mono...I only have half a coil but its running in mono. Easyer to pinpoint with that way also. My mono was bad and they are sending me a new one.

When I get faint signals I rake the ground with my foot. Hit it again. Usually goes away or into the pile I scraped.If not...DIG! I also hit it different ways. IE: north south swipes....east west swipes....usually goes away. I run in fixed mode.

P.S. I found the most beutiful piece of bullet shrapnal today! :) A little yellow...with my vacuum, had fun.


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Im still using the stock DD that came with the 5000. Using it in Mono...I only have half a coil but its running in mono. Easyer to pinpoint with that way also. My mono was bad and they are sending me a new one.

When I get faint signals I rake the ground with my foot. Hit it again. Usually goes away or into the pile I scraped.If not...DIG! I also hit it different ways. IE: north south swipes....east west swipes....usually goes away. I run in fixed mode.

P.S. I found the most beutiful piece of bullet shrapnal today! :) A little yellow...with my vacuum, had fun.


Also....I was in a area today that gave me a humungus hard signal....Dug it out and found a big ol pocket of black sand. Scattered it and ran the 5000 over it... all signals went away.

But! It sure is a place to get the 151 and the vacuum into. :)


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Fred, thanks again for the tip! I tried switching to tracking ground balance on questionable signals, tested several, and each time the reading proved accurate. I can't tell you how many false signals I have dug at this site so this is a big help.

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