Regarding Garrett Pro Pointer

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You'll find that very, very few of the guys in this forum (or any of the prospecting forums) use pinpointers for one very large reason - you don't need them.

As you use your detector, you will learn to pinpoint objects with speed and accuracy - it just takes practice.

On the other hand - daydreaming about naming your giant nugget - that's funny.

I think the odds are better that you will unexpectedly inherit 10 million dollars from a relative you never knew you had.

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Okay. Knowing that saves me some dough and I thank you.

Yes; we live in a world of odds. Sometimes when I ride my Kaw out to Gold Ranch for lottery tickets, I wonder if my odds of winning are better than having something very bad happen on the way there and back.

If you are playing the Powerball your odds of winning the big prize on a single ticket are 1 in 195,249,054.

Yeah thats one in over 195 million.

There are more than 40,000 deaths in auto accidents in the US each year.

Your average odds of dying in an auto accident each week are more than 1 in 390,000.

So your odds of dying in a traffic accident are about 500 times more than the odds of winning the grand prize in the Powerball lottery.

Of course you can reduce the odds of dying in a car accident by driving safer and driving fewer miles.

You can't change the odds of winning the Powerball. But there is a way to insure you don't lose money on the lottery.

To paraphrase:

"You can't lose if you don't play"

Now - do you want to know the odds on finding the worlds largest nugget? :rolleyes:



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If you want to increase your odds of finding gold nuggets sell your Garrett Ace take that money and the money you were going to spend on the pinpointer and buy a used White's Gold Master or Fisher Gold Bug. You need a metal detector designed to handle the heavily mineralised grounds found out in the goldfields.

It's good to dream big and be optimistic, but the reality of this hobby is that the big nuggets are far and few. I know it took me two years and hundreds of man hours detecting with the best available equipment to join the 1 ounce club. This hobby is by no means "easy" and if it was don't you think everyone on this forum would all be rich? Realistically speaking your best bet is to keep this as a hobby and not rely on it to feed yourself. You'll make more money working at McDonalds getting paid minimum wage.

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The tried and true method of finding gold is to go where it's been found before.

Join a club so you can gain access to proven claims.

Buy a few books on where placer gold is found.

A 1 ounce nugget is rarer than a 5 K diamond.... so

If it was easy 14 year old girls with big eyes would be doing it.

Oh and don't give up, just like Pase said it takes years and hundreds of hours to find an ounce size nugget. If one ever dose!

For most of us it's the joy of discovery not the monetary gain.

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Well Ragman, I know you said in a different post you are going away...

But, before you go I must say;

I think you are too intelligent and well spoken to be the bumbling fool your questions and actions seem to indicate...I think you just enjoy finding people to entice into trying to help so you can sit in your chair and laugh at how you fooled everyone and how superior you are...maybe not...maybe you simply are obcessive/complusive with a very high IQ and nothing better to do...

Or maybe I lack patience and charity for some of my fellow humans...

either way, best wishes


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