My Son is in a Photo Contest HELP

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I am asking anyone willing to help me out. My 22 month old son Ian is in a photo contest the pictures is really nothing spectacular and the way you win is threw Votes as many as you can get and you can vote once a in a 24 hr period. If you are willing Im asking for some Networking Help this contest will be won threw Networking and my son is head to head with another little girls photo. Anyone willing to take the time to follow the link and Vote I would greatly appreciate it.

The contest is being held by my Dads construction company and the only catch to the whole thing is you have to hit the like button before you can vote. Basical you have to like Kowalski Construction Inc. before they will let you vote in the contest. The winner only gets $300 and all of that is going into my sons collage fund.

Thanks for your help and reading



If this does not work go to Facebook type in Kowalski Construction Inc. Clik on the like button, then on the left hand side of the screen you will see photo contes click on that. go to Vote and look for a kid my son Ian playing in the front yard looking up at bubbles. Title of the photo is "Summer Fun with Bubbles" thanks again to anyone will to help us win.

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Thanks guys I have fallen behind a bit as the competition heats up.

On a good note however the Arizona Hills have been getting pounded with rain so new bed rock here I come.



IF YOU FEEL LIKE VOTING AGAIN PLEASE DO you can vote once a day until the end of the contest.

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