X-Terra Customers scores first Arizona nugget

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Hello All,

Took my Wife's Brother-in-Law out this weekend for a short hunt. He purchased a Minelab X-Terra 705 about a year ago, but has only been out a few times with it. He wanted to give it a whirl nuggethunting, so I conducted a short field instruction class with him and then let him loose. After about 4 hours of digging iron rubbish, he ended up scoring a nice 2+ Dwt nugget right next to an old shotgun shell. He said they both sounded pretty similar and thought it was going to be another casing.

Here's a shot of Kenny and the nugget he found this weekend.



Hope you had fun! :D

Rob Allison

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Hey Jer,

Yep, his first gold nugget ever. I think he has found a couple of coins and such, but never a gold nugget. He's been wanting to go out for a year or so now, but something has always come up to keep him from making it out. I know he was excited to find the piece.

I seen the new group up there. PM me if you get a chance.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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