Beginner's detector

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Hi all,

I'm looking to get into gold hunting with a metal detector, mostly on the California side of the Sierra foothills. I have a very simple question: Will I have any possibility whatsoever of finding small nuggets with a low-end detector like a Tesoro Silver uMax?

Since I don't know if I'll stick with this activity, I'd prefer to invest less than $300.00 for my first detector. If I love it, I'll move up to a $700.00-range detector, and possibly a high-end detector later. But if I'll find the sub-300 detector to be junk that will never get me a speck of gold no matter how many months or years I look, I'd like to know before I buy it.

All advice appreciated.



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I would be looking at a second hand better quality machine. Dont buy elcheapo chinese junk. You should be able to pick up an early model Whites Goldmaster 11, Fisher Gold Bug or Minelab 17000 for around your price bracket.If you dont like it you can sell them and easily get your money back. If you buy Chinese junk you will be very lucky to sell it without making a loss. seeya Neilo

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Save a bit more money, in the $500 range you could find a used Fisher Gold Bug II, they are pretty easy to use and are the best at finding small gold. This is good because most of the gold out there is small and if you don't like detecting, you could easily sell it for your purchase price!

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Diddo on El Dorado's comments! You'll need a more expensive machine like the GoldBug 2, unless you have some fat nuggets sunning theirselves on top the ground. Most important is to just enjoy yourself in the outdoors.


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Certainly many nuggets have been found with Tesoro Silver sabre...which is not chinese junk...however they won't find the really small nuggets that a goldbug or whites gmt will detect.

There is or was a gmt on some of the forums in the would be a great starter for gold or meteorites...

also, take that SS to the parks and beaches and find more funding for a better gold detector...


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Thanks everyone. I definitely would not buy some cheap Chinese junk. I'm just wondering about the 300-range detectors from respected names that are supposed to be able to find gold (like the Silver uMax I mentioned). But as recommended, I'll check ads on Craigslist and here for a Gold Bug 2 or less-expensive Whites.

And Lundy, I appreciate the sentiment. I'm planning on having fun outdoors, not getting rich! But it would be nice if a few years from now I have at least one thing that you can squint at and say "yup, that's gold." Heh.

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I was interested in the Tesoro Lobo ST before it occurred to me that I should start with something less expensive, if possible. So where should I keep an eye out for a used one besides here and Craigslist?

Edit: Some fine looking nuggets there, AZBirddog.

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If you haven't bought the silver u-max yet, look around for the Tesoro Bandido or Bandido II, (around $200.00) it is a manual ground balance machine and is good on gold, try to find the small coil for it if possible. yes the silver will find gold as will all detectors if the gold is big enough. As some of the others have stated look for the Fisher gold Bug 2 , Tesoro LST or one of the Whites Goldmasters.

The Silver u-max is a good beginners machine for coins and relics, but I'm afraid you will get discouraged in looking for gold with it.

The want adds on this form and others is a good place to start. Basicall what ever you get, learn it, I always said it is about 25% machine and 75% operator.


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