Labor Day!

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Well boys I took your advice and checked some areas out.. I went to drivers flat, and it was O.K. So we paid the fee and checked it out.. Decided it was a little too much to go up the road in the my 2001 Volvo s40.. We left and decided to hit another road headed down the other side up the highway.. Found new ground that kinda intimidated me for a second.. Never Kicked it on a tailing bar right on the water.. So we set up and I checked the area as I do.. I'm sure as an amature ill get better with time but I hugged close to the bedrock.. Dug out a half a bucket to set up the sluice... Went back to the spot I was digging and the second bucket was the wealthiest dirt I ever messed with. All kinds of chunks. After I cleaned that pocket.. Nothing anywhere else.. Used some tips from TrinityAu.. And they pay..







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Wish I could afford a detector.. lol.. Im gonna hoard this yellow and give it to my non existant children and grand children.. lol.. Sluicing all the way so they better appreciate it..


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I think I am messing up with my secondary screen... All of the pieces are uniformed size.. I wonder if I tossed out bigger pieces.. :/

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And im sure lots of you guys know where this is.. lol

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I was in the same neighborhood on Monday, I played a little at the drivers flat area, then went to the Bear River

to get some fine gold.(prevents the awful skunk) First trip with the Mountain Goat and the Desert Fox...unbelievable how small and fine gold it recovered.

I worked the mine tailings at drivers flat rd. lots of square nails and the usual bullets sprinkled about. :D

I've got two detectors (GPX and Eureka)...send me a pm if you would like to meet up some weekend.


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I was right down the road... Too busy digging.. lol Wanted to go.. but.... you know. ;)

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I also went to a wedding on Sat off Foresthill rd, didn't get a chance to attend the festivities but

I did see where the CHP set up a DUI trailer to meet everyone before the bridge coming back to Auburn. :spank:

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We had some family come on up for the festivities, so I was there but only on Sunday. The panning championships and the axe throwing were great as always. For some reason the turn out was pretty poor, the worst I have ever seen. I sure miss an old friend that was always there... Van the Goldman, he is now traveling on roads paved with gold!

For the first time I got to see the Euro flat pan in action. It is a pan specially designed for these kind of contests. Very amazing and I am sure there will be many more next year.

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I also went to a wedding on Sat off Foresthill rd, didn't get a chance to attend the festivities but

I did see where the CHP set up a DUI trailer to meet everyone before the bridge coming back to Auburn. :spank:

I saw the Bride and Groom getting their pics taken as I drove by... lol.. small world

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El Dorado... A poor turnout was sorta expected... The area is said

to be doing poorly. As in the past I donated some books as prizes

as I'm a long time supporter of the Mother Lode Goldhounds.

Good news about the panning contest...

The results of the panning contest will be published in the ICMJ...

I'm an old metal/copper panner (old school) and not familiar with

the newer varients... The Euro flat pan is new to me...

I well remember the panning championships at Tropico years ago...

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When I am up there this weekend (again) Ill pump as much cash as I can in that local economy.. Ill get some shirts.. :)

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Best place to leave any cash is at the RED DIRT Saloon! Cold beer, free P-nuts, (drop the shells on the floor) and Angelo the owner sells T-shirts!

I would try to hook up with ya but am heading out again for another week at the Digs!

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