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  1. I have Rob, but hard to tell what's a good outfit and what's not, which is why I was hoping people here had experience with some of the operators over there.
  2. thanks Fred, I think I had seen you mention about Mark Hyde's tours as well. I wouldn't mind getting in on those, but they always fill up before I can get into them
  3. Been a few years since I've visited the forums here, glad to see they're still up. Looking for a reputable AU outfit that offers detecting excursions, preferably all inclusive. Apparantly the 4x4 outfit I had originally planned on using(don't remember the name), no longer operates, so need a new one. Anyone had experiences, good or bad, with anyone in AU?
  4. yeah Congress Man, I'm in contact with Nohave at the moment.
  5. Oh that's right. I forgot he dredged in Thailand years ago.
  6. Hey all. Been away from this forum a long time, almost forgot it was here (almost). Quick question for those in the know. I am going to be making a temporary (2 year) move to Thailand mid 2014, staying on Koh Yao Noi island for the duration. I will have enough free time available to me however to explore most of southern Thailand while I am there. My question(s) have to do with panning and/or detecting there. I know you have to have a Atchayabat to prospect in any form there, but cannot find the requirements to apply for one. Do I need to be a citizen? If so, can I partner with a citizen to apply for one and prospect under their license? Also, has anyone had experience in Thailand in these regards who would be willing to share some insights? This will be just on a part time, casual basis for me, something to fill the tedium. Any help or answers would be greatly appreciated. Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
  7. I looked up tickets last night, and from Michigan it looks like it had me going through Dallas/FW straight through to Perth. And actually didnt lose a day it looks like. I arrive in Australia 4 hours earlier than I left home lol. At least that's the way it looked
  8. yeah Fred, I would love to do a long extended month long or more trip over down there, but I don't think my job would like it too much if I just up and disappeared for a few weeks at a time lol. As it is, I'm gonna have to do some serious butt kissing just to get the 10 days for this.
  9. Pete, does NFDU being that they go off the beaten path, tend to hit newer patched as compared to GT?
  10. Thanks Pete and JP. I have it boiled down to them and Golden Triangle that Rob suggested, both seem like pretty good outfits.
  11. Thanks for editting for me Rob Yeah not expecting to get rich, did a couple seasons dredging in Cali before the ban and loved being out in it, and am aware of the ups and downs. Just want a memorable vacation, plus I've never been to Australia before, I hear the women are pretty hot . Thanks also for the suggestions, I'll look them up see what's what.
  12. Ah, yeah damn I didn't even see my typo before your reply. Topic header should state "Australian prospecting tours" Sorry.