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Posts posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Guys,

    Nuggetshooter - I never cared for the Minelab Golden Hawk. Cosmetically it looked nice, kind of like a mini SD. However, it was nothing like a SD, and was just like any other Minelab VLF gold hunting detector (XT series at that time). If you going to stick with Minelab, and stay in the VLF range, I would shoot for a XT18000 or the newer Eureka Gold.

    alienbogey - There is nothing wrong with a good VLF such as the Fisher Goldbug 2 or the White's GMT. The Goldbug2 run the highest operating freq at 71kHz. This machine will find stuff so small you need eyeglasses and tweezers! :shock:

    Starting with a good VLF could be a smart move for your budget. Hope you have tons of success at Rye Patch with Gerry. I'm sure he will treat you right and get you off on the right track searching for elusive gold nuggets.

    Take care,

    Rob Allison

  2. Hello,

    George made a good suggestion, as the XT series were/are great VLF detectors. The XT18000 is now discontinued, but still can be found on E-bay and various forums for sale. Like George stated, the new Eureka Gold is an updated version of the XT18000, but with a fast/slow tracking control and a better look.

    You can view the Minelab Eureka gold at Minelab's Website -

    Hope this helps a bit,

    Rob Allison

  3. Hello All,

    Today a small handful of guys gathered for a day of nuggetshooting. The weather was absolutely beautiful, with just a slight breeze through out the day. The guys that attended are pictured below -

    (Left to Right) Brandon, Glenn, Gold Bug Ron, Jesse and I (not pictured)


    We all started out in one patch were I was confident everyone might be able to score at least a nugget. Brandon, Glenn and I were swinging GP3000's, while Ron was using the GP Extreme and Jesse with a XT18000.

    I showed the guys the potential areas to find nuggets, and then we all pretty much headed our own directions. After about an hour, I was able to hit a small gold nugget on some newly exposed bedrock. Jesse watched me unearth the nugget, and was amazed! Later that day I was able to uncover another small nuggets not far from the first. Unfortunately I was the only one able to score in this area, so after about 4 hours, we decided to take a brief lunch and think about another location.

    After lunch, I had another spot in mind where minimal GP's have been. After arriving at the second spot, everyone was re-vamped and ready to give the goldfields hell. I pretty much pointed out some potential spots, and everyone once again took off in search for that elusive metal.

    Brandon and I headed to a spot where I found a nice 1/2 ounce nugget many years ago. Not more than about 30 minutes, I got a nice faint signal just below a small tree. I called Brandon over to listen, and he was able to hear the signal also. I continued to dig, and the signal got stronger and stronger. Eventually I was able to uncover a nice 3.6 Dwt's nugget at around 14 inches.

    Not long after I recovered that nugget, Brandon heard someone yell over the hill. Gold Bug Ron was able to score his first Arizona gold nugget! Yahoo...... "Congrats Ron on your first AZ nugget."

    Ron's First Arizona Gold Nugget! Congrats...


    Well after Ron and I both hit nuggets, the moral was definitely boosted! Jesse and Brandon were hot on the nugget's trail. I decided to check out Ron's nugget, so I left Brandon in the area where I just scored the nice 3.6 Dwt piece. It is always nice when most of the group can score, but don't happen all the time.

    I walked over to Ron, and he showed me the location of where he just uncovered his first AZ nugget. Ron and I chatted for a bit, but since it was almost 5pm, I decided to let Ron continue his quest for gold nuggets.

    I hunted around some new areas, and tried to point Jesse in some likely spots. The XT18000 was not performing well, and it was giving Jesse some frustrations. Later I decided to see if Brandon had any luck.

    I noticed Brandon moved out of the area where I found the nugget, so since it was getting late, I gave it another quick run. Not far from where I found the first piece, I was able to recover a nice 1 Dwt specimen.

    Nuggets I recovered today, 5.6 Dwts


    Jesse, Brandon and Glenn were not able to score nuggets today, but Glenn did have a nice piece he found the day before in a different area.

    Glenn's quartz/gold specimen recovered from another location


    Well even thought everyone did not score today, we all had a great time and the weather was unbeatable. I was able to see Gold Bug Ron find his first AZ gold nuggets, which was worth more than any nugget I could have found today.

    Total Nugget count was 5. I located 4 and Gold Bug Ron found 1. My total weight was 5.6 Dwt's.

    Take care everyone,

    Rob Allison

  4. Hello bigmfish,

    These outings can be a big blast! I conducted the first online outing at Quartzsite about 4 years ago. Since then, the fun has continued with several other on-line forum outings.

    Here is the information you asked for -

    Arizona Outback’s

    Prospector’s Extravaganza

    Join us for the biggest prospecting event of the season!!!

    February 14th – 16th, 2004

    Rich Hill, Arizona

    Whether you are new to gold prospecting, or a seasoned detectorist, this outing promises to be an event you will not want to miss! Come and join us for special guest lectures, hands-on demonstrations, and a chance to see some of the industries newest gear: including the Lithium Ion Battery System and the Nugget Finder Coils.

    If you follow the forum you are sure to have read some of his posts, now you can meet the man in person. Professional prospector and detector operator Jonathan Porter is flying in from Australia to join us for this special occasion. If you’ve ever dreamed of prospecting in the vast Outback you won’t want to miss his lectures! His extensive knowledge of metal detecting will make for some exciting and educational discussion.

    Some of the other things happening around camp will include: Bob “Montana” Dansie will be providing a lecture on the basics of prospecting with a detector in Arizona. Chris Gholson will be providing a lecture and digital slide show on the history of the Rich Hill/ Stanton Goldfield. Steve Gholson will be lecturing on the correct methods used in determining the actual amount of precious metal in a specimen. After the lecture Steve will be on hand to analyze a few samples – so bring along your specimens! Joe Kauffman will be hosting a special discussion on hunting big game in Arizona. And Mel Oliverson, an ex-military man who now works closely with the Yavapai County Search and Rescue Division, will be sharing secrets of backcountry navigation using a compass, GPS, and maps. Bill Southern will be on hand to answer questions and share some of his detecting expertise. AZO will also be giving away several door prizes!

    Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn valuable tips and tricks from experienced pros, meet fellow forum members in person, enjoy the camaraderie around the campfire, and prospect in one of Arizona’s premier goldfields! This outing is being provided at no charge by AZO, and is open to all who share a passion for prospecting. See you there!

    Outing Itinerary

    SATURDAY 14th

    10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

    Lecturer: Steve Gholson

    Topic: Specific Gravity and Relation to Gold Specimens

    11:00AM – 12:30 PM

    Lecturer: Steve Gholson

    Hands On: Calculating the Gold Content

    2:30 PM – Dusk

    Lecturer: Jonathan Porter

    Topic: Detecting Tips & Techniques with the Minelab GP Series

    SUNDAY 15th

    10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

    Lecturer: Bob “Montana” Dansie

    Topic: Successful Electronic Prospecting

    1:00 PM – 2:00 PM

    Lecturer: Joe Kauffman

    Topic: Hunting Big Game In Arizona

    3:00 PM – 5:30 PM

    Lecturer: Jonathan Porter

    Topic: Prospecting Australia’s Goldfields


    Lecturer: Chris Gholson

    Topic: Rich Hill: Arizona’s Premier Goldfield (Digital Slide Show & Lecture)

    MONDAY 16th

    9:30 AM – 12:00 PM

    Lecturer: Mel Oliverson

    Topic: Backcountry Navigation (Using GPS, Map, and Compass)

    2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

    Lecturer(s): Team AZO

    Topic: Q & A Session. Join us for this no holds barred session and get your prospecting/ detecting questions answered

    Hope this helps some,

    Rob Allison

  5. Hello Chris and Team AZO,

    Thanks for registering on the forums! :D Like Chris stated the outing is going to be one of the best around. Over the years I have avidly joined and participated in the forum outings. Whether you’re an avid pro or just someone wanting to join this hobby, the outings are a great way to start.

    Chris Gholson is a master detectorist, excellent author, relative and friend too boot. I would seriously look into this outing if you have never attended one before.

    The amount of knowledge that weekend will be mind blowing.

    Jonathan Porter from Australia is noted for his success in the goldfields.

    Chris Gholson noted as a master detectorist, author and owner/operator of AZO (Arizona Outback).

    Steve Gholson noted as a master detectorist, extensive electronics knowledge, revolutionary formulas and Father of Chris Gholson.

    Bob Dansie noted for his success around the world hunting for gold nuggets. A true master of gold hunting, and one of the most helpful instructors and friends imaginable!

    Bill Southern new member of AZO, noted for knowledge of the Arizona Goldfields, successful nuggetshooter and owner and operator of

    There are several handfuls of people that I have not included, but I'm sure most will be around.

    The Tucson Gem and Mineral Show will be going on during the same time. However, if you’re looking to truly learn something, the outing will be the place.

    If everything works out, I will be there at least a couple of days. I still would like to see the Tucson Gem and Mineral show one day if possible.

    P.S. This could be the biggest outing of 2004, so I would recommend making the trip if possible. The lectures alone will be so informative to the newbie's, but the seasoned old salts will also pick up a few pointers! :D

    Hope to see you there,

    Rob Allison