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Bunk last won the day on November 11 2022

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About Bunk

  • Birthday 03/01/1956

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    Chino Valley, AZ
  • Interests
    Prospecting, Camping, Exploring!

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  1. As many of you know, my brother, "Shep" Shepherd passed away on August 10th in Prescott Valley, AZ. I knew him as "Tom" and he was my big brother. I always looked up to Tom from my early years and will forever. I was proud that he joined the Navy and served on the USS Ranger - that he was a true prospector dredging in the Feather River, prospecting in CA, and here in AZ. He hated it when the skunk got him and he had to return home empty-handed. I never returned home empty as our time together in Gold Basin, Rich Hill, or the Village at Quartzite was precious. He ran his own successful A/C business in Oakhurst, CA - Oakhurst Air. We are planning a small memorial service for Shep on Saturday, November 12th at Quartzite. We will meet at the Village on Tom Wells Road at about 11, then go off to the well head. I'm planning to make a small wooden box and place in it things that remind me of Tom and share a bit. If you have something you might like to put in that box, and share as well, I'd like to invite you to do that. Nothing valuable, obviously. He considered you his family. We will bury the box in a small hole. Afterwards, we will have a potluck meal. Bring some food to share and we will gather together and talk. Water, plates, utensils, etc. will be provided. If you could let us know you will be there, we'd appreciate it. If you just show up, well, that'll be ok too. Tom wouldn't mind and neither will we.
  2. Well, I have used the 705 a lot more than the GBP so I am much more in tune with the 705. I really like the iron mask when hunting gold with the 705 and being basicly fully auto it is really easy to learn to use. The 705 is also a very good coin and relic detector. I do think that the GBP hits harder on the real tiny gold. The set up with the Pro is pretty easy with the ground grab feature and is easy to use. I know a lot of folks use the Pro for coin and relic hunting, I have not so I can't say.
  3. I did not weigh it but it looks to be a gram or so.
  4. I got this littleguy the first two hours using my new Gold Bug Pro.
  5. I think it was in the eaarly 80's that the buildings were burned and it seems to me the paper said it was kids out partying. I have not seen any of the family that holds it now for a couple of years as we moved away. Bunk
  6. Wow John, I would sure like to know more about his history with the Silver King mine! That is kinda home turf for both Teri and I. I know the folks real well that hold the Silver King these days.The Silver King, these days. Real shame that vandels burned the remaining buildings, from the old days, a few years back. Bunk
  7. There is a Lobb ave in Supiorer, any conection? Bunk
  8. Just wanted to let you all know, the Gold Basin FootPrint is now available. If you are interested, get in touch with Rob or me. This FootPrint also covers Lost Basin. Bunk
  9. Kelly, I am glad you are enjoying your Foot Print! I know you will find it very useful. Also, Congrats on the new detector! Thanks, Bunk
  10. The Rich Hill Foot Print will be released any day now. These will be VERY popular, you may pre order now! Call me. Bunk 928-830-5350
  11. You know, FrankC's mini sampler, is pretty hard to beat for a one man opperation and at $150, I think it is a bargain! It is a pull cord bellows type that is very lite and gets the gold! Bunk