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    Beeping for the elusive yellow metal

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  1. Thanks for the heads up Rob. Take care & watch yer back - Frosty
  2. Looking for some assistance regarding Tucson area. My niece lives there, her son is in grade school and the class is studying geology, prospecting/mining. My niece thought it would be fun to take him out and prospect/search for minerals. Can anyone throw out any idea where she could take him for a day of it? Any idea would be appreciated. Thanks - Frosty Molon Labe!
  3. Thanks all for the replies - as I stated I haven't seen what he is dealing with so I really don't know. I mentioned the Jut Dry approach, he stated he did that with no luck. It was at that point I wondered if he did really have gold. He told me it was assayed and it's gold. At this point I really don't know. Guess I'll have to see for my self. Thanks Guys. Stay safe & watch yer back! Molon Labe
  4. A friend asked me how to recover flour Au. He says he has some ore which he crushed up. He said that he tried to pan it but it floats, I told him to use a little dish soap or Jet dry to break the surface tension. H e told me that didn't work either. I haven't seen what he is dealing with so I really don't know if it's gold or what. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Stay safe & watch your back - Frosty
  5. Long time since I've posted. I have nothing to offer regarding the two-box detector such as the Fisher Gemini or a Ground Penetrating Radar unit. What I can offer is my appreciation for people such as Rob, an honest and righteous, straight forward person, who won't sell someone something they don't need or won't work for them just to make a buck. Your a good jake Rob. Frosty
  6. WOW, I like it! That's an industrial sized one. I have the reg. desert fox and it works great. As most have stated there is not one angle for all materials, once you have it set for the cons you are running you don't have to adjust it. Stay safe and watch your back - Frosty
  7. Hi DOC, Thanks for the FAKE COILTEK COILs warning and throwing in the couterfit battery warning also. People will do anything to make a buck at the expense of the unsuspecting buyer. Stay safe & watch your back - Frosty
  8. Hi Rob, I concur with your post - I thank the Lord above for all the service men & women that have served our great Nation and made it what it is - the Greatest Nation the world has ever known. I wasn't able to attend the memorial day ceremony as I do most every year at Fort Logan Nat. cemetary because I worked. My Uncle paid the ultimate price on Saipan and lost a few friends in southeast asia - We must remember them and never forget their sacrifice for our freedoms. I pray for all of our military men & women especially my son who is serving in the U.S. Marines. Frosty
  9. It's a sad day in our Great Country when things like this happen - When people are punished for showing their love of America & our Flag it makes me wonder what have we allowed our Great Nation to become? I hope everyone here calls the assistant principle and then passes this along to others! Local School Suspends Student for Removing MEXICAN Flag Yesterday, a listener’s son was offended that his school, Klein Collins High School, displayed the Mexican flag prominently. His mother called to complain, and the school wouldn’t return her call. The student took the sign down. The school pitched a fit, reviewed the surveillance tapes, found the student, and suspended him for 3 days. AND he has to pay for the flag. In light of the SF story of students sent home for wearing the AMERICAN flag because it offended the Hispanic students, I thought you’d like to know about a story closer to home. Right here in our community. Feel free to let the school know what you think. You pay their salaries. Klein Collins High School (832) 484.5500. Assistant Principal handling the case: Mr. Shelly Dick. Seriously. Call Mr. Dick and let him have it. The Superintendent is Jim Cain. You realize, I assume, that if a student removed – or even burned – the AMERICAN flag, they wouldn’t do anything about it, I’ll bet.
  10. Not related to nugget hunting but well worth the look. Click link or copy & post to see pics of the Greatest Generation stepping up to the plate - enjoy Stay safe & watch your back - Frosty
  11. I use a Garmin 60CSX for Tech Search and find it very user friendly. It has a memory card that holds a boat load of tracks, waypoints and a map of the whole USA if you want. Do some research/looking on line for a good deal if you go the 60CSX
  12. WOW! Now if I can only get Colorado to follow their lead, if not AZ might be where I retire Thanks & Keep us posted Stay safe & watch your back - Frosty
  13. Hi DigDeep, Have fun, I was just out in San Diego a bit ago, brought my GP3000 and helped clean up your beaches since Gov. terminator is low on cash I won't send a bill for my services . Found everything but nuggets in the shape of rings. I also brought my VLF detector, got down to the beach and holy cow the black sand set it off like a screaming banchi. I gave up using the VLF. Ran into another guy that was swinging a coil. He had a Gp 3500 and found 3 rings & 1 necklace that day. Take your 2100 and have fun even if you don't find any doughnut shaped nuggets. Good luck & watch your back - Frosty
  14. DOC, I'm with ya 110% and even though I didn't send $$$ I contacted relatives in Mass. and told, yes told them to do what is right. They must have done so because along with my prayers to the almighty, me threatening the relatives and your contributions it worked! Stay safe & watch your back - Frosty