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  1. Little by little gets some gold, 2 years of promises and no product to swing gets NO gold...
  2. I wouldn't hold my breath... This same exact thing happened with the Explorer SE's release... It was a solid month between shipments... I think they released the GPX4500 a touch early to beat the White's PI to market... Which was all for not since White's has determined it isn't going to mass produce the new PI just yet... Or.... Who knows at this point if White's will EVER release the new PI, spring is just about over for the second year and still no new machine...
  3. No, no, no, AND it makes food more expensive... If E gas is 15% less at the pump but your using 25% more your losing 10% more money using this gas and it is making the already high food prices go even higher... Save the environment, they must be smoking crack!!!??? More like make more money off of food and fuel...
  4. The gas is 15% cheaper but 25% less efficient..... NICE!!!!!
  5. I owe a lot to JP for his videos and help with learning the 4000, his knowledge and willingness to help is admirable. Why he has to take the heat for Minelab is beyond me, I can only imagine the mess we'd have without him and his insights into these complex machines... Don't hate the player, hate the game...
  6. He's been using that mod since his early videos... The plastic bolts and wing nuts are junk and the control box will rotate with the plastic bolts because the holes are too large... My GPX was like this, the only complaint I have regarding the machine... I used a similar fix when I couldn't get the wiggle out... Even drilled another hole so I could relocate the control box on the upper shaft... The extension is for either a small video camera or it is from one of his older shafts so he could mount a bungee/Hipstick mod for swinging... Boy, I though you guys noticed this stuff a while ago!!! Nice stuff JP, so was this a previously 4000'd spot??? JW
  7. White's has excellent to amazingly awesome customer service... I have heard a few people who ran over their machines and sent them in as broken, they were fixed like new, free of charge.... My only experience with Minelab service was good, I picked up a used Explorer XS and the coil was bad, they fixed it for $20... I do believe that it was a factory bad coil since they said it had been wired backwards and no one had messed with it since it was new... I really hope the new White's has something other than an aluminum box for a housing... No, not plastic!!! Carbon fiber would be awesome!!!
  8. Overpriced, like American cars and trucks assembled in Mexico, but labeled as made in the USA...? $4000 is not a whole lot of money for a good machine, $35,000 for something that really is a piece of junk is what I would call expensive... America is the land of outsourcing, so let's all join along and be good hypocritical americans now, ready, 1,2,3...
  9. Oh yeah, the red herring ploy, just another way to avoid the discussion... Overpriced?!?! Well I guess it is just a matter of perspective...
  10. The stuff I found on Wiki was sound enough regarding the time and location of HP and Apple... Sure anyone can send in an edit, but it is checked for accuracy before it goes public... I see your point about race, and I find it interesting that whites, the minority, call the majority the minority, goes to show you who's trying to run the show.... Or at least lying to keep their place in society through whatever means possible... While you may think the Gates are suffering from white guilt, well at least that is better from the false sense of white superiority which plagues many today... Personally I think Bill Gates should be giving back to the people that made him stinking rich, the consumers. How about an operating system that actually operates!!! And things that work for longer than a few months before they begin to break or not work with the OS anymore like the XBox 360 which dies after a year ... Keep dreaming about your other than Minelab gold machines, sure they will come out but I don't see the Nemisis being produced in large enough quantities then there is the White's machines, if that ever comes out it will be produced in quantity but there is no real measure of how it works... You could pick up a Eric Foster Gold Scan if your set against the tried and true ML machines... You think the X-Terra is poorly made, take a look at the Fisher F75, a made in America overpriced flimsy plastic POS that makes the X-Terra feel stout and sturdy, it works great but Fisher didn't have anything to do with that side of it. (I still don't know why folks think the X-Terra is a good gold machine, it isn't even that good of a turf machine)... I learned long ago that buying the mid tier tool was the wrong way to get good work done... JW Oh and yeah I like Minelab, it happens to be the best out there right now, sorry...
  11. Hewlett Packard was started in a garage in Palo Alto in the 40's. APPLE also started as a garage brewing group interested in computer technology in the 70's... Steve Jobs didn't even create the interface that made Apple what it is today, Steve Wozniack (who worked for HP) was the man who designed the system, Jobs put it in a box... Notice how the interface has changed very little, while the box changes daily... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Apple BTW giving money to minorities is not racist against white people... Unless you believe that not giving money to minorities is racist as well... Which we would all be guilty of, except for Bill Gates... Now the student loan system is in fact racist against white people, because if your white, you get nothing, been there and done that... I always checked the 'other' box instead of 'caucasian' since I don't see myself as asian at all...
  12. I'd say the "Minelab Jihadists" are a step above the i'm waiting for something that doesn't exist so i'm going to shit on everything until it arrives, crap spewing crowd... Your grossly confusing fans of available, easy to operate detectors for fanatics , IF White's comes out with a GPX killer you'll see a ton of people drop their Minelabs and rush to grab the White's... That time may be sooner than later, but i'm sure you'll still be pissy and have issues with that machine as well... Just wait, when you get your machine up and running, you'll have to deal with folks just like yourself who shit on everything just for the sake of shitting on something... But i'm sure you'll have issues with them as well...
  13. The Teknetics T2, became the Fisher F75, even though the advertising claims otherwise. The display is nearly the same but with some improvements like a backlight and some interface adjustments to make things better. The F75 is $1100 and the DFX300 is $1200 and the DFX is $1100, the DFX has way more adjustments for the $$ hands down, the F75 is a rocket ship and goes deep right out of the box, easy to use and really fast but you have to swing it like a golf club to go past 8"... I think it's a great time for detectors and some amazing stuff is being produced as we speak. Matt has a great point about upgrades... Although i'm sure it is not a simple task and probably would cost a ton of $$ to get it to work. Conversely the problem with things like our computer's operating system is that they retain old stuff to allow upgrades and that creates limits to advances and record breaking quantities of code that disable the hardware through information overload. Additionally you have to pay more $$ for RAM just to get it as fast as the last OS... I paid as much as a GPX for a Mac laptop and a few months later a totally NEW operating system emerged that made my computer and all the peripherals obsolete, makes the new ML release look gracious and kind when there is a way worse techno-drip being executed and making way more $$... My old GPX works great and it will continue to do so no matter what ML does to change the technology... It was only a matter of time for another rendition of the GPX and with White's pushing for some new stuff in the PI world how can you blame ML for trying to keep advancing. We could see something interesting in the future if White's machine is kick ass and has a low price tag that takes a bite out of ML's sales...
  14. Hey Bugs, name one company that doesn't drip feed technology... I'm interested in the question that you have refused to answer as well... So??????
  15. Oh, I know the GoldBug will hit itsy bitsy pieces of gold, I also know for a FACT that the Eureka will hit a 1 grain piece... I have tested these machines... I'm not saying that the Fisher isn't super sensitive (hell, it will even hit the salt in your hand, a feature i'll pass on thank you), i'm just saying that the 'dealer' who assumed that the Eureka wouldn't hit a 1 grain nugget is suspect (at best) in my book... But hey, i've seen quite a few people assume the DFX will go as deep as an Explorer, the expression on their face when you pull a Barber dime out of an "empty hole" is worth a million dollars... If you haven't performed side by side tests, assumptions will, in most situations, be incorrect... Always makes for good stories though!