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  1. Very cheap by the case...
  2. Rob, Why do you sell metal detectors that won't find gold??? You should start throwing in a free can of gold spray paint with the purchase of a metal detector so these guys that can't find a nugget can just spray paint an ironstone and turn it into a gold nugget. That way when they get home and show it to the wife they won't get in trouble for spending so much money on a detector that won't find gold. Just an idea! I'm now up to 114 nuggets with the seven for a total of 2 ounces from very hammered patches thanks to the extra nice weather we've had.
  3. Last time I tried night hunting a self appointed caretaker for some out of business mining company starting shooting over our heads and we were finding nuggets to boot. That was near Gila City placer down by Yuma, never went back because I would have brought my AR-15 with me. We were only hunting at night because it was in the month of May and lot cooler at night. Rob, I'm sure trying to! John, on who patch? No I really don't want to sell it, I've found to much gold with it, same with the 2100.
  4. Thanks gentlemen, I've had a blast digging all these nuggets, the new detector and the exercise have really helped my health condition for now, I'm not sure how to get the exercise when the summer heat gets here.
  5. Here's my GPZ nuggets so far, all from old hammered patches, all from Arizona. 77 nuggets, the biggest is 2.2 dwt, total weight is 21.2 pennyweight. Enjoy the picture!
  6. Doc, I watched them and I enjoy them, thanks for posting them. I think everyone is afraid of you and the GPZ, I'd sure hate to see you on one of Rob's patches with the GPZ. That thing is deadly on smaller nuggets that used to hide from previous Minelabs.
  7. Awesome job Rob, I did enjoy the video. I'm hoping there's more nuggets coming your way.
  8. Hey Rob, I liked the video too but it made me tired watching you clean out the crack! Just waiting for the bigger gold to start coming in. Good job on the video.
  9. Thanks guys.... I'm very happy I can still go out detecting. Take care! Russ
  10. Just a quick rinse and a rub in water. I guess I miss counted, there are only 7 nuggets. That little pointy one at the bottom is an impostor and tried to sneak in as a nugget.
  11. I got out for another walk with my detector today. I was able to find 8 nuggets for 2.2 dwt's in old hammered ground. I swung the GPZ-7000 for about 5 hours with a short break every few hours. I really am starting to like the new beeper and in is definitely going deeper, hits harder and more stable than my old detectors. If I keep this up my right arm will look like Arnold Schwarzenegger's arm if I don't pull a muscle first. Enjoy the pic's
  12. Thanks guys.... I guess I don't like the taste of dirt. And I'm afraid of mercury poisoning, you never know if a nugget has a bit a mercury coating.