Trying to beat the 283 Grammer

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Hey Seeker,

I have to agree. I have always preached if you see something that interests you, go detect it. Sometimes a "hunch" can lead you into a nice patch or good single find. Also like you mentioned, keeping the coil right on the ground in places can mean finding a faint target or not. This is really important when you're hunting areas that have been hunted hard prior. I've found some good finds by kicking rocks, pulling down brush and getting that coil in spots others might not have.

Rob Allison

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Hey sometimes you just have to flip a few rocks in known patches or if your more adventerus I wear snake chaps, waist high. there not good in the summer because they are hot. but they are great for getting into the cat claw ("wait a minunte bush") Ive found a lot of nuggets in old patches in prickly pear cactus. gota have the right tools for the job though. good luck. ;) AzNuggetBob

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  • Admin

Hey AzNuggetBob,

I ventured through an old "so-called" nugget patch Sunday as I was checking out some new spots. I'm challenging the "so-called" patch cause I must have dug 20-30 iron targets from patch zone. I think we talked about this spot in the past. A good amount of Cat Claw and great looking country for snakes, but never seen any.

This was a location "if" I hit that trophy nugget it could beat the current 283 Grammer! :o

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But seriously Rob, just my guess but I think you were hunting the fringes and not bad idea.

When it comes to a patch some people throw their trash finds up to the side.

almost like clearing a path up the middle but as Im sure

you know the lowest channel is not necessarily the only channel.

old washes change direction and with further erosion

leave the old channel high and dry up on the sides. sometimes the old channel is better than the most recent.

That patch is (old) and I'm sure the high banks hold possibilities but your going to have to deal with the trash..


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