Meteorite ?

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Hello Everyone,

After an unexpected phone call, I found myself catching a plane to NE Texas. While I was there at my sister and brother inlaws ranch, my brother inlaw showed me this rock/meteorite he found out walking in the pasture. I had no way to weigh it and he did say it is magnetic. There is no other rocks like it, visable in the pasture.

From the pictures ... He would like to know if this is this a meteorite? and How can he get an estimate on what it might be worth? I personally have only seen them in pictures and could not give him for sure answers. But if I were to guess. . . It sure looks like a meteorite to me.


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Like I said... I certainly have not dealt with these before and therefore I'm not quite sure what "file a window in it means" or what a streak test entails. I'm sure I can google it though. . . so thanks guys for leading me in a direction to do some research. I most definitly can understand the "metorwrong" terminology and got a huge kick reading that one. Thanks Chris lol

I will pass the info on to my brother inlaw.


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Toss it in the metorwrong pile.

I agree.

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