Happy Thanksgiving from Rob's Detector Sales

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Back at ya Rob!!!!

Blessings to your family as well...

God is good!

Dad and me are invited across the street to the neighbors for the meal..... I cant ask for better neighbors for dad (89y/o)--they bring him a plate of food every night--while i am here and while i am gone....It is nice to know that there are still some great folks out there.

That's what I am thankful for this thanksgiving....

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Thanks Rob. Happy Thanksgiving to and your family too. I hope it's a great one.

Happy Thanksgiving Grubstake. Have some Turkey with your honey and enjoy another Holiday together .

Are you in Texas for the Winter Paul? You are lucky to have your Dad and his great friends for the Holiday. Times to Cherish. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Paul.

And to all of my fellow forum lurkers (you know who you are) the very best of the Holiday to all of you.

Wishing all of you Heavy Pans and full bellys.

Clay and Ruby

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Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Clay And Ruby. I just got a new next door neighbor, Single Vietnam vet , just moved from NV. he will be coming to dinner, at my house tomarrow. For Turkey breast, dressing, candied yams, and Mashed taters and green beans, cake for after. He doe's not have anyone else, so I invited him over. with the wife and I. Grubstake

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We will be eating with a few Vietnam Vets ourselves, many are alone now. It's our generation isn't it Gary? We've all been walking the same walk all this time, no reason not to finish the journey together. Who else would have us? :P

We are having Turkey, duck, dressing, salad, green bean caseorole and pumpkin pie. It's the only menu we could come up with that that fit everone's diet! :blush:

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Hello All,

Thanks for the comments. The family and I went camping the day after Thanksgiving. It was a great trip to the goldfields. My wife scored 8 nuggets and she hasn't touched a detector in several years. Ya, trust me I had to hear all about it. I told her next time I'm not pointing fingers .... :o I spent most of the time watching my Daughter, but was able to play around with a few detectors and score some nuggets on my own.

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