GPX 5000 with larger coils

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Would anybody like to shared or offer suggestions

In the settings they used when using the larger coils by the various makers. I have already learned that lowering the gain will smooth out the threshold. Prospect in AZ around the LSD and Stanton area. Thank you

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Lowering the Gain too far to try and get a smooth Threshold will definitely lose target signals.

One very good way to smooth the Threshold is to use the Very Slow or Slow motion settings first, before you mess with the Gain.

The whole point of using Gain is - as the name implies - to be able to raise the setting, in conjunction

with other settings, to achieve the optimum response to a subtle signal.

Some people actually get their detectors running with a Threshold that is purposely out of balance using a high Gain setting,

they think they get a better hit from a deep or a small target.

There are a lot of approaches to be messed with to find what you like.

Another point; a good Threshold can many times be achieved by perfectly Ground Balancing your detector,

Knowing how to correctly Ground Balance, and then doing it often, is one of the most under-appreciated aspects

of having a smooth Threshold and a correctly tuned machine.

You probably know all this but just in case...


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I have used this setting before with success on deep targets:

Set the gain lower than FP, increase the stabilizer (makes the deep targets sound off on audio), normal audio filter- For deep targets

For shallow targets- Set the gain higher

All this is dependant on soil conditions, RF interference.


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Thank you flakmagnet and dolandave. Any suggestions are welcome. This is my first time using a larger coil above the size of my NF 14x9 eliptical mono coil which have become my favorite goto skunk breaking coil. I have found nuggets down to .18gram with it and I love it. I recently got a NF 20 inch round mono coil... a early Christmas present from the wife. I love that girl.

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I ran across this the other day and thought of this thread.

This is JP and I thought you might be interested.

It sounds like your wife has you wired.

Have good Holidays.

USING Larger coil for deep gold, JP

If using Normal timings in combo with a large Mono coil then keep the Gain around the 11 mark, also it is OK to use Tracking in this Timing but preferably the Medium Speed option. Deep audio in the audio filters will also lift the response on larger deeper pieces and in some cases I've found a more pronounced lift in the response using the Very Slow Motion filter but you have to have a very precise coil sweep speed along with keeping the coil as parallel with the ground as possible.

Keep in Mind any ground noise at a given location has the potential to mask a good target even in quietish soils, so it would pay to go over the same ground using the Normal Timings and also Enhance using Fixed GB. I prefer Enhance on the 5000 over Fine Gold when using Large 'Round' Monoloop coils 16" and up as I have proven on a number occasions that Enhance will generate a more recognizable response over Fine Gold with the larger coils.

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Hey Flak or anyone else,

I don't know to many people that use the Fine Gold Setting unless they are using smaller coils, and searching for shallow gold. I never get the depth on Fine Gold, as I would with Extra, or enhanced. My experience is to use the fine gold setting on shallow places where I have found gold before, and I have been successful at finding another small piece or two.


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I agree with you Dave.

Don't use it unless I am using a 14 inch coil or less and, as you say, in shallowish ground.

I think that's what the JP paragraph was saying too.

Enhance with larger coils in deeper ground.

This for a 5000.

I always go for Normal settings as a starting point and then modify as needed.

I am a big fan of Deep audio if the mineralization permits, but not that many people I know like it.

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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

I've found a few lunkers over the years at depth, some were just random finds, others were in old patches where I had to use combinations to achieve the greatest amount of depth in hopes of one being missed.

With the GPX 5000, keeping the Gain around the factory preset, running in Deep with Deep Audio will definately help a bunch.

Are we talking about 2-3 Grammers at depth or are we talking about 1-2 Ouncers at depth? There is a huge difference between these two sizes of gold and finding at depth with various combinations. I personally can find Gram size pieces at max depth better with the Sensitive/Extra than Deep.

I personally have found targeting nuggets around 1/4 and larger is where you will see the great gains using "Normal" timing, if the ground permits.

I have seen guys running huge round loops in areas where 99% of the nugget found were under a gram. Personally, I think you're wasting your time and money using a large loop here unless you're looking for more coverage.

Just some of my thoughts,

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I agree with Flak, thanks for the info, you are a wealth of knowledge. The research, learning curve, and knowledge are never ending in this field. Since joining your site in 2004, your site sure has helped me in the field. Thanks !!!

Here is a rule of thumb I stick to, others might be different:

I usually start off with a medium sized coil (Elliptical) for hunting area's Ive never been to before (My primary search coil)

Once gold is found, I switch to different coils

Larger coils on deeper bedrock, benches, hills

Smaller coils on shallow bedrock, caliche, or patches.

All of these coils will have different settings. My primary hunting area is Gold Basin, I use Sensitive Extra there 99% of the time. In the morning I use a certain setting, then I have to adjust it in the afternoon due to atmospheric conditions, aircraft traffic, RF interference, ect. Then re-adjust it back later in the afternoon evening time.

I gps all finds, record them when I get home on google earth, and look at the surrounding terrain, for clues, or the source.

One thing I believe someday will benefit us in the field is a HUD like google goggles, that has a gps built into it, allowing us to grid an area, or show our tracks, where we have hunted before, and what creek beds we have not hunted yet. So darn expensive right now, but in a few years this technology will be readily available, also with geologic, fault line, ect. overlays.

Also where nuggets have been found in the creekbeds, dig down and take samples, you will find nice flake gold and pickers, come back with a drywasher at a later time you will be amazed at how much is left over.


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Thats the beauty of the ML's, the factory presets can have you up and detecting right out of the box.

Those settings will work brilliantly in 95% of locations.

Perhaps the greatest advantage gained buying any detector, is who you buy from, choose a dealer who is a factory certified trainer that offers hands on training.

The learning experience is priceless.

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