The casualties don't stop

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Returning veterans have no idea what kind of fight they're in for trying to get help or benefits from the VA.

There are success stories for some who encounter little resistance or receive good health care.

Every day on veterans forums like or, there are more agonizing struggles of broken and battered veterans slipping into poverty in confusion over why their country makes it so difficult to claim promised help.

An example this morning:

"My son Jonathan was a Navy Corpsman during the Persian Gulf War. He suffered from PTSD and other medical issues...." From his wife: "He was continually denied compensation by the VA for PTSD and Gulf War Syndrome. Sadly, on December 21,2013, he took his life..."


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It is the biggest tragedy of our wars, Veteran's Care.

An inexcusable situation for men and women who least deserve it

and should haunt every legislator and politician who could do something about it.

Us too.

My younger brother was blinded in Viet Nam. His care, in a less crowded system

that was not politicized by budgetary hatchet jobs, was better, not good but better than now.

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Our hearts go out to you at this time Kelly. Our family had a tragedy after WW II of simular nature. Our returning vets deserve better and we should all demand it from those in Washington. Now they are trying to lower pentions and benifits from the guys in order to balance the budget that they screwed up. Remember the ones responsable when you go to the polls. My prayers are going out for you and yours, fellow vet.

Old Tom

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Sad to hear. I know a guy who served in Afghanistan. When he came back he was a totally different person. Something was missing. He was a broken man. They get swept under the carpet and forgotten about once they have served and return in many cases. My grandfather was a prisoner of war in Changi and I always remember my Dad telling me how badly it affected him, he was never the same. We hear of so many cases over here too of them not being cared for as they should and deserve to be. Those who choose to neglect them will answer for that one day, they have Someone greater Who see's it all, and doesn't forget. They will be weighed and found wanting!

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Kelly i hear stories like this and it makes me sad,,,but i can tell you that the biggest struggle a veteran has in getting their due benefit---- is coming in to the VA to start with....

I am gonna stand by the VA on this point-------if a vet wont come in,if they dont have family support, if they dont have the proper paperwork to file, and if they have an poor attitude to start with...., they will probably end up getting discouraged and go home...

Of course there are struggles to deal with to get PTSD and other benefits,,,and yes, it could be more streamlined---- but it is better now than it has been in years for mental health and homeless vets

...i have seen tons of money spent on mental health in the last 4 years,,,we have VA Domiciliaries to house vets without housing, they have access to compensated work therapy programs to help them get back in the groove, and to get sober and drug free, they have HUDVASH housing vouchers, job assistance plans.....and a LOT of people who CARE.....who will try to help

BUT we cant lead a horse to water!

I have been working with this group of vets for 4 yrs and believe me it can be frustrating when the general feeling is the VA isnt doing enough,-----

that makes me wanna go home...

but i say WE---that is you and I -----arent doing enough,,,

we need to keep on the people who need help and make sure we hound them until they go in to the VA, and then hold their feet to the fire until they sign up -------and that they make a true effort to get help..... and follow thru with the programs...

I also understand that some vets will never put up with any type of controlled environment and unfortunately we will probably lose them sooner or later.

It breaks my heart to hear of a vet or anyone who gives up and takes their own life,,,, i have seen it too many times

So many vets i talk with say, "well i could get benefits but i aint gonna jump thru a bunch of hoops to get them"

.... well guess what,,they arent going to get them...

I always try not to care what other people say, or think about what i am doing, as long as i know in my heart i am trying to help at least one other person get better in this world....

But i guess you can tell by my post that this story kind of stings me ----because I am part of the VA , and we seems to have to carry all the blame...

This problem is deeper than VA



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Dealing with the Veterans Administration is a long process. But, once your in the system it's the best health care in my mind. With dedicated people like Paul taking good care of us Veterans. It is a sad story, you posted and one I read about way to often. To my fellow Veterans...Thanks for your service to our country!


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Oh, no doubt there are many fine folks working at VA, Paul, and I'm not disparaging you all.

These forums are pretty much people having issues and seeking help with them so there will be success stories and many vets you won't hear from again after that.

I've had varying care at VAs across the nation same as civilian healthcare.

Same as when I was a troubleshooter for phone systems; I dealt every day only with the problems people were having so it can be tough to deal with after awhile.

But the nation certainly has gratitude for all of you who work hard, not just for vets, but for anyone. :)

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Let it be known that I was not calling you out personally for the post. I know your heart, and it is good.

It is the general perception of VA health care that I continue to battle with.

And after traveling to many different VA's as you have I will wholeheartedly agree that there can be a great difference in the way one VA operates from another.

My point is to get the people in somewhere that fits them, if one VA does not suit them.....they may have to go to another...

Personally, I love Reno VA, .....Lucky loves Reno and Mather... (Sacramento)

To paraphrase your byline..... "we best not leave one behind,,,anywhere.."

God bless you Kelly and keep on keeping people aware of the problems ----and also the solutions that arise...


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