Just for ROO

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Good Day Roo, Though I have never come across a mountain lion (YET!) Its just a matter of time before your encounter happens when you are in lion/gold country, Snakes are a given during the hot months, always Keeping a look out for both here in Socal and AZ. T-Bone. The Mountain lion in this picture weight in at over 200+ LB But Killed by a car in northern AZ.





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Mmmmm.... Burgers. I would try some roo meat! The camels I saw on some national geographic show and I was watching Bear Grylls doing his survival show in AUS and he came across some camels. He said that a small number of people get trampled by them every year. Then he killed one with his bare hands, gutted it with his teeth and slept inside it for the night! :blink: No just kidding... But he did say they do kill a few people every year.

Are you sure it wasn't discovery channel. :lol: AzNuggetBob

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Good Day Roo, Though I have never come across a mountain lion (YET!) Its just a matter of time before your encounter happens when you are in lion/gold country, Snakes are a given during the hot months, always Keeping a look out for both here in Socal and AZ. T-Bone. The Mountain lion in this picture weight in at over 200+ LB But Killed by a car in northern AZ.

Who is the fool with the snake on his chest? AzNuggetBob

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Dude - you seriously watch too much TV.

Are you sure it wasn't discovery channel. :lol: AzNuggetBob

Man you guys aren't cuttin me any slack! :P

It was Bear on Discovery and Natgeo was totally separate special.

I haven't had cable for awhile now for anyone concerned about my well being.


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Huh, Iv never heard of mad camels down here. Never been on the news. Knowing our Aussie humour maybe someone just winded Bear G up in telling him that, then laughed their heads off when they saw him say it on TV. Our probs are the sharks and crocs in the water. Our ocean's the worst place here. 1 That's a really big cat, would not like that jumping on me. 2 Please send some over here to hunt the pushbike riders that wear their spandex everywhere, man bulge's are not a pretty sight and we need to eradicate this problem. 3 A rattlesnake on his chest, so you guys have a serious drug problem over there too huh!? 4 You can keep those bears, gum trees are not that easy to climb and often just not big enough.

Lastly, sadly it is getting politically correct over here too these days. It aint the Aus I grew up in. Getting pretty violent too. The same the world over now huh!

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Huh, Iv never heard of mad camels down here. Never been on the news. Knowing our Aussie humour maybe someone just winded Bear G up in telling him that, then laughed their heads off when they saw him say it on TV. Our probs are the sharks and crocs in the water. Our ocean's the worst place here. 1 That's a really big cat, would not like that jumping on me. 2 Please send some over here to hunt the pushbike riders that wear their spandex everywhere, man bulge's are not a pretty sight and we need to eradicate this problem. 3 A rattlesnake on his chest, so you guys have a serious drug problem over there too huh!? 4 You can keep those bears, gum trees are not that easy to climb and often just not big enough.

Lastly, sadly it is getting politically correct over here too these days. It aint the Aus I grew up in. Getting pretty violent too. The same the world over now huh!

Roo It seems I hear almost every week about your shark problem over there, don't they have a fishing season on them?. I hear they like the surfers wearing black wet suits the best. do you see a pattern begining to form here?
Ya fortunately the cats have figured out the easy prey over here. bulge problem solved.
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Gees Roo,

You guys have the deadliest snakes and critters on earth....I am not sure how many critters over there bite you once and your dead in a few minutes. Man, no thanks....Yes we have cartels, rattlers, bears and mountain lions....and some homeless camping on larger tracts of properties is what I notice the most lately. But dang those Snakes !!!

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Yeah Bob. Iv noticed that black wetsuit thing too. Why would you want to go into shark territory looking like a seal? The other thing I reckon contributes is shark cages where people get into a cage and they chum up the Great Whites. Could the sharks then associate feeding time with humans. They chum them up and get them all agro whilst looking at some person, in a black wetsuit (der), in a cage and have them charge the cage and bite at it! I have noticed an increase in attacks since that has become popular.

Relic Hunter, we do have heaps of deadly snakes but you would be unlucky to dies from most unless you were a long way from a hospital or help or one hit a major artery. Untreated you would die but if you wrap the bite site tight you should have a couple to few hours to get help in, maybe more. Those Taipans like the one that killed my friend though are super deadly and you would want to get help real quick with those. I wouldn't like my changes getting nailed by a Taipan. But thank goodness for us down south they don't live here.

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I agree, studies show the Great whites favorite food are seals. and when you put on a black wet suit and splash around on the surface your asking for it. Also the Taipan is the brown snake I was referring to earlier. that is one BAD boy. Ive read that during mating season it will run you down and attack you to defend its territory. they are fast too. I understand you can out run them provided you see it coming. :blink: AzNuggetBob

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I grew up in So-Cal on the beach. Ventura county. how did I end up in Az good question but that's another story. :D In California It seemed like I was in the water all the time, surfing, body surfing, skin/snorkeling and scuba diving. We do have Great whites over here too. Dont think Great whites dont pick up on vibes,stress and duress like many other sharks also. but it's not easy to stay calm looking at something like that swimming by! There were other sharks I wasn't fond of either, two that come to mind were the leopards and tigers because they come into the kelp beds.. a place considered safe from most sharks like blues, whites and hammer heads. but I have to tell ya seeing a 15 foot 1600 pound white just swim by could fill your pants. Whites dont generally come into kelp beds. not sure why they usually just cruise around the outside. They may have a fear of getting tangled up in it? not sure. but I have to tell ya unless we can train that Taipan to help solve the bulge problem you can keep that damn Taipan over there. :P:lol: AzNuggetBob

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I reckon my greatest fear would be to be at sea, the boat goes down or capsizes and im in the water, and a fin appears.

Cant even begin to imagine what it would be like.

When I was a kid I liked spear gun fishing. We went on a holiday and was at this beach. I went in and couldn't believe how quick it dropped off into deep water. Just 40 to 50 feet out I couldn't see the bottom. I speared a fish and brought it into shore. These two locals were walking past. One says with a serious concerned look on his face "your not going back in after getting that?" I said "yeah why?" He said "look around, see anyone else in the water?" I looked and yeah, no one else in the water. He said "this beach is notorious for Great Whites, its their breeding ground! No one swims here or surfs because of that, seriously don't go back in" You reckon that spooked me or what!? Ill never forget that but hey, I once spear fished in a Great White breeding area and live to tell the tale. It turned out to be true and was notorious for them there, in South Australia. But to be honest I never once saw a shark whilst in the water. Caught a few fishing from shore, no G Whites, just bronze whalers and reef sharks from QLD, but never came face to face, thank goodness. Love catching them, do not x 100 want to be in the water with them. I was shown a picture of a 9 foot bronze whaler that a guy was hooked up to, true picture not photo shop, and he was fighting it then bang thump, the fight stopped. He reeled in what was left, the pic showed him holding the sharks top section from just the pec fins upwards. The rest was bitten off in one hit and you could tell by the way it was bitten off that what did it came from behind and took it up to the pec fins. Damn, that's gotta have been a serious fish to do that to a 9 footer. And yeah, that Taipan deserves its reputation, it is an agro plus snake that will come at you with no fear or hesitation. Others will generally get out of your way when they see you, but not so every time with the Taipan. I know blokes from QLD where there are plenty who will tell you how agro and fearless they are. Mental snake that one, glad they're a couple of thousand ks north and not where I am. Speaking of the bulge problem, eeerrr (insert sick face here), there is a big bike road race coming up over the next couple of weeks, they're gonna be everywhere. :(

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When you talk about a no swim area. there was a place along the SoCal coast in front of the Edison power plant that no one swam. the power plant sucked in ocean water to cool the power plant generators and blew it out another pipe down the beach back out into the oceon. turns out the Great Whites loved the warm water! And the people that studied them (sharks)used to hang out there all the time. All the locals knew about it, But did you ever see a no swimming sign there? No, ya gota wonder?


Seriously Roo if you ever want to come over here and try your luck hunting nuggets look me up.

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Yeah, come to think of it there was no signs where we were either. No signs "beware of crocodiles" on a river bank I fished once up north either. But this boat came past me and I saw these high powered rifles sitting next to their fishing rods. One of them yelled out to me "have you got a gun" I didn't and I think he could see that and I said "no mate". He replied back "then you better get out of here cos there's crocs everywhere in this river, don't fish without a gun mate". I took the advice and left. Thanks for the offer Bob, greatly appreciated. I have to admit, I hate flying. And even though id love to fish in the Florida Keys and New Zealand or nugget hunt in the USA or Alaska. Its gonna remain just a love to. But if your ever in OZ the welcome is extended your way too.

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Hey Roo I understand what your saying about those crocs.

Here is another story from the past, this is what I remember. One time when I was about sixteen a diving friend of mine decided he was going to build a boat. (Kenny) nothing fancy, a dingy. It was 8' long made of 1/4" plywood and pine.. We both loved fishing and the ocean . We got a little 3 hp motor and we were ready to go. After fishing around the docks and jetties we decided we were going big time fishing. Well almost we stopped by the commercial fishing docks and picked up free fish heads and guts for chum, we were going shark hunting.

The islands were only about 18 miles offshore so I decided to take a spare gallon fuel can. Somtimes you have to wonder why your still alive. anyway off we went. The ocean was a little choppy and the swells were only about 4' feet but not to bad but in an 8" dingy but it was Little iffy.. I asked Kenny what about life jackets? He said well I'm not planning on sinking???? Glad I decided to bring a small coffee can to bail the water out of the boat just in case.

Whoops sorry gota go will finish story tomorrow. AzNuggetBob

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Anyway at this point you can probably tell Im having doubts about this whole adventure. not about gold but it was fun. Most the open water sharks in that area are blues, not a big threat..seriously I used to swim with them and pet them. but you never know may show up in open water.. especially when your chumming fish heads. Anyway We get out towards the islands and Kenny says this looks good lets start chummin. so were pouring buckets over and the are a few blues swimming by and there just swallowing everything we threw in. So Kenny gets pist and picks up a spear gun and air-shoots about an 8 foot blue right next to the boat. The shark takes off and Kenny is getting drug to the front and almost over the edge of the boat. It pulled him face flat in the boat, by then Im backing up and laying on the back of the boat because it is starting to get pulled under. Im yelling at Kenny let him go! he's hanging on to that spear gun. What I ment was let the spear gun go! it's attached to the spear shaft with a 8' foot nylon cord. right then the nylon cord on the gun snapped. I really dont remember the trip home but I do remember that I never went out fishing with him again. AzNuggetBob

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:lol: Now that's funny, now, but I bet it wasn't then. That's something you'd see in a comedy movie :lol:. 8 foot long plywood and pine, fishing for sharks :lol:, man you guys were game as! That's hilarious! I could see Jim Cary starring in that one. And petting sharks, id be swimming that fast in the opposite direction id be aquaplaning if I saw any shark.

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Roo glad you liked it. I wrote it to be funny but it is a true story. I think Its fun to look back at some of the crazy shit you did and survived it growing up and still laugh about it. I will say one of the reasons it took me so long to write this is was I was too busy laughing. :lol: AzNuggetBob

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