My new Toy

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I think this is my first post, not sure. I get on this site about everyday and have been for at least a couple years. I have learned a lot , I would not know diddley, if it wasn't for everybodys patience to give out information on a great hobby. I wanted to Thank Rob and Dawn for the new Toy they sent me, the GPX 5000, after a few emails and a couple phone calls it showed up at my front door in record time. Great people to deal with and hope to find some of that yella here pretty soon.

Thanks again,

Mike (Lumpy) Williams

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With some confidence, patience, luck, and a little research, you will be posting up pictures of some gold in no time.

Find an alternative reward to your hobby other than finding gold, you will do good. Mine is exploration, learning about history, exercise, solitude, and of course the thrill of knowing the sky is the limit when it comes to treasure hunting. You never know what the next dig will reveal.

The more efficiently you can locate and recover targets, the greater your success rate will be. It also reduces the disturbance to the ground. My #1 pet peave is people (particularly PI users) that do not fill their holes or leave trash laying around.

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Thanks guys, I will post some pictures here hopefully soon and boy do I need the exercise. Quit chewing and am eating everything in sight, food tastes way better.

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  • Admin

Hey Mike,

Great to have you on the forums posting. We want to Thank you for allowing us to earn your business. The new Minelab GPX 5000 is going to be fun to use. You're in the right location for some nice size nuggets. Can't wait to see that first post of your first nugget(s). Until then, Thanks once again and we wish you the best of success out there.

Rob Allison

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Lumpy (Mike)

Good luck with your new toy and with a little research you'll be bringing home some gold. Rob and Dawn are the best detector dealers and gold hunters I know out there and some of the nicest people you could ever meet.. :) AzNuggetBob

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I second what digger said!!

When you've been out all day pulling up nothing but trash and getting frustrated, just remember that your outdoors getting exercise and that next target could be the one.

When I start getting frustrated, I will stop. Hike up the nearest hill, take a break and enjoy my surroundings. I try to imagine what the old timers did and how hard they worked at it. Really amazing when you think about it. That usually keeps me going for the rest of the day.

Learning to tame my frustrations has helped a lot as it comes quickly for me, I am still looking for that first nugget with my name on it. No way I'll be giving up though!

Good luck out there lumpy! You can do it!

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Thanks to everybody, we are already detecting here in Montana, the south facing slopes are diggable, some parts are not. I use to have a gpx 4000, found quite a few nuggets with it then sold it. Went out yesterday and found a couple pickers close to half grammers. I used the 8x6 Sadie yesterday and was very impressed with it, went into a hammered patch and pulled a piece out I know I have walked over it at least a dozen times, could not believe it. Anyway I will get some pictures a goin and thanks for the the great replies.

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