New to the Forum, need some advice please, Thanks!

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Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum. I am going to purchase the ATX soon and need some advice please. My grandfather started taking me detecting when I was four years old, and now I want to introduce my sons and nephew to it. I would like to take a 4 or 5 day camping trip this year to a location where we can do some gold prospecting, or something similar. We live in Illinois, but I was thinking about heading to Colorado or someplace like that. I would like to take them someplace where we at least have a chance at finding something.

If you had your choice, where would you go? Thanks in advance for your help! Steve

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Hi SRFlynn welcome to the forum.

I've done a lot of dredging in Colorado finding most fine gold. Done some nugget hunting there but not much luck. One guy I know has this claim up above the tree line and went back to hunt his claim again or dredge but he had it for sale and has stop anyone from working there.

You need to join some clubs before you go so to know your not someplace you shouldn't be. It would be good to have more days than you said and keep driving until I got to Az. if it was me. you could arrange with Rob on the detector you want. He also could give you some pointers on it for nugget hunting. Maybe by then the Minelab SDC 2300 could be out.

You better think it over before you bring two boys if you really want to nugget hunt. The danger in Colorado and other states you just can't let yourself take your eyes off of them. Like I said get more time if you can. If it was two weeks at the end you'd be saying where did the time go.

Best to you.

Chuck Anders

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I live in Colorado and have beep'd here for two years with a Minelab Eureka Gold detector. While I have located hardrock in situ deposits with a trace of gold, I have not yet found a single nugget here. I am still having fun, though. My advice is to try another state, maybe AZ, CA or NV. Hope this helps, and good luck.

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I think the kit and guide they used to give with a new membership was worth the money. I think the guide will give you places to research that may have never crossed your mind. I know they have many claims in the west and believe they have some in the east. I cannot tell you what it is worth to YOU...they are probably, the largest prospecting "club" existing.

No one can promise you gold in return for your money. You will get other benefits; locations, a place to learn and new friends could be some of those bennies...I have never been anywhere, no matter how well worked that I didnot eventually find some little nugget, or two...that is where practice and preserverence comes into play...I do not say that to brag just to point out that if you don't have sense enough to quit you will succeed.

Of course, there has to be detectable gold to find a nugget...same with panning or sluicing; if there is no gold you won't find any-no matter how diligent you are.

do some research and satisfy your self...


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